What are some good GROUP Health Strategies for 50 and under employers?

Ok. Here is the update. It looks like the employer is going to go along with the group plan and pay the majority of the cost. Employees will pay $200-$500 a month depending on what plan they choose. The broker did not tell the owner about the issue with people on the exchange that are low paid employees (they lose their subsidies because the business is offering group right?). It looks like the main factor is that the owner has to cover himself and his kids per his recent divorce with health insurance. The exchange plan for him and his kids is $900 a month. Are there any non-exchange plans available for healthy people in the market today? When I looked, all I could find were short term plans.
Ok. Here is the update. It looks like the employer is going to go along with the group plan and pay the majority of the cost. Employees will pay $200-$500 a month depending on what plan they choose. The broker did not tell the owner about the issue with people on the exchange that are low paid employees (they lose their subsidies because the business is offering group right?). It looks like the main factor is that the owner has to cover himself and his kids per his recent divorce with health insurance. The exchange plan for him and his kids is $900 a month. Are there any non-exchange plans available for healthy people in the market today? When I looked, all I could find were short term plans.

Little strange if you ask me, maybe I am not understanding what you are saying. The employer is required by the divorce settlement to cover himself and the kids. His cost for Exchange option is $900 per month. So he decides to offer group coverage to all employees at a cost that is significantly more. What am I missing?
There is a little more than that. He is expanding, and he will be trying to hire a certain number of skilled people who he believes will not come unless he provides group coverage (these employees will be compensated around 70k per year).

SCAGENTS advice sounds best to me. Why would the employer not just use an HRA though? (the only advantage I can see of not using it is so the employee can spend it how ever they want)
At one time low wage employees appreciated a group health plan, not matter how lousy it was. But that was before Obamacare expanded free insurance (Medicaid) and allowed others to get a decent plan for almost free.

I still don't see a reason for the employer to spend all that $$$ to provide what will most likely be a plan that has lesser benefits than an Obamcare plan and costs them more.

Surely there have to be better prospects out there. I think you are pi$$ing in the wind on this one.
This is not a prospect. I currently work here and am one of the HCE's. I would be forced to exit my wife's plan and move to this one (which is less beneficial with higher deductible etc...)
I ran some quotes and it looks like the low income employees may still qualify for Medicaid even though the employer offers group. If that's the case, that would be fantastic. The more I look at this, the more confusing it gets. Correct me if I am wrong please, the employees on Medicaid would not be forced to join the plan which would also hurt the 75% enrollment we need to install the plan.

The more I look at this mess, the more it looks like an HRA or just giving an "Employee Bonus For Health Care" would be the way to go.
So now we learn a little more. Why could you not provided us with the information that you are an employee and not a broker? And, you have a hidden agenda regarding your current coverage. You admit it is confusing to you yet you declare at the end of your comments a conclusion.

What a waste!
I am a broker. I have been licensed since 2009. I have no hidden agenda. There are several other employees that are having the same issue I am. There are also several that qualify for the exchange and others on Medicaid. Many are coming to me asking me questions because of my background in the over 65 marketplace. I am looking for the same thing I asked about originally, a good strategy for an under 50 employee company with many low paid workers.
The owner values my opinion and I would like to provide him an unbiased one since his group agent did not even inform him about many of these unintended consequences.
Stop mincing words, we were led to believe you were a broker, never once did you state you were an employee too. Your hidden agenda is the fact that you will possible be impacted negatively in this, but you never mentioned this either. I gotta wonder why the owner values your opinion when, by your own admission you are confused.

Again, a waste of my time. Next time please be more upfront and provide as many of the facts that you can. Damn, hope your over-65 clients do not hide facts from you.
If you were my employer, you would value my opinion too. I have been a broker since 2009 but have not written more than 10 policies since 2013. Individual under 65 and group has never been my thing. I have not been active in the Medicare space since 2012. We are a business that is looking to expand, and we can't afford to have our low level employees in mutiny over this. Our owner thinks he is doing a favor for everyone, but public opinion is quickly swinging in the other direction.

Leevena, you act like I offended you. My agenda is not hidden, if you prefer me to lie and tell you that I want to somehow write a product from this...to get a commission...to get you to help dish out some of your typical great advice, then I can. This situation transpired rather quickly and we need to take care of it before 12/15/2017 just in case the owner wants to jump into the exchange.

My question to you is, why not an HRA? Obviously I have not helped a group set one up, but from my research, it does not look that difficult. Your experience here could be valuable, what would you do in this situation Leevena?
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I’ll chime as I handle cases like this all the time.
Under the aca you do t have to meet participation between Nov15-Dec-15.

So you write the 4employees, get the rest to waive coverage. Then the waivers will loses their tax credits, spousal carve out will be forced to join the plan, which will cause all kinds of initial problems.

The fact that you have a agenda as employee, you will most likely try to prevent anything plan that will negatively impact you. I get it, I deal with employees similar to yourself on every virgin group I write.

The reality, if a group plan does go into place, you will be replaced by someone that does value the benefits being offered and they usually turn out to be a more productive employee.