What Do You Think of This?

Headline idea:

Would you rather your family sleep comfortably when you are no longer there to provide for them or have a nice hotel to sleep in while on vacation? You decide, your family is always going to depend on you.

I am sure this is a little long but I am not a copy writer. I think its a good start though.
Most people never thinking about dying. They have no plan at all. Let someone else worry about it or I will worry about it later.

People just don't stop and think about it. We have to make them stop and think about it.
Headline idea:

Would you rather your family sleep comfortably when you are no longer there to provide for them or have a nice hotel to sleep in while on vacation? You decide, your family is always going to depend on you.

I am sure this is a little long but I am not a copy writer. I think its a good start though.


Do you want your last thought to be; that of your wife climbing into bed with another HAIRY legged man, and your children calling another man Daddy.

If not, call me.........LOL

It could work......

In all seriousness I have seen similar articles in the mail soliciting life insurance.

I like the idea and the concept, and sending it out while people are planning their vacation is an ideal time.

Address this piece to the wife,As we all know she's the one that will make it happen ,I've had more guys tell me that she can marry another guy or he doesn't want to leave a rich widow(2 or 300,000???) I just got this from a NEWLYWED, no kidding!!!!!!!Emotional marketing does work!!
I think it will work for some people.

Although many people avoid or deny the fact they are going to ah,die.

Not always a rosy subject to bring up.

Good luck though.

By the way, test this and test with different language (maybe use a different word than "your death")
Mark here is my input. Personalized this piece more. Tell a story about a situation that you were where they were not prepared. No living will, no advance directive, no power of attorney, no life insurance. and no preplanning. Buried like a pauper in a place that would not have been their choosing because there was no money or no plan. You have got to capture their attention. Stories and headlines capture mine.
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Mark, I am not trying to hi-jack your thread but I think this might spark some ideas. This is not written for final expenses but toward LI but could be adapted. This is something I am working on and is the style I like to use. Story telling and tugging at emotions. What does anyone think? Is it good or bad? How would you change it?


A couple of months ago one morning I stopped at an Auto Repair Shop to have my oil changed. As I was waiting, a woman in her late 40’s or early 50’s walked in with a friend asking to have a tire repaired. As I studied her face I could see she looked tired and drained, as if she carried a great load. The service manager had the car pulled in, went out into the shop returning a few minutes later with the news that the tire was unrepairable and that she needed four tires on her car because they were all bald and worn out.

The woman’s friend stepped in a quickly explaining that the woman’s husband had just died from cancer. All her money had been spent on the funeral and she had no money and no job. All the husband had left her was medical bills, debt, and a car with worn out tires. He said friends and family had been helping out as much as possible but they were tapped out.

When the service manager heard this he offered to install four good used tires the size the woman needed for only $20 each. The woman said she would be back on Monday but would only replace two tires because it was all she could afford and she couldn’t get the $40.00 until then. My heart was sad as I listened and watched this scenario. The woman was slump shouldered as she left the shop.

Haven’t we all seen people in this situation. The can set up at the check outline at the grocery store to help the husband bury the wife who was the victim of a drunk driver with no car insurance. The 60 year old widow working at McDonald’s because that’s the only job they can find and they HAVE to work to survive. My friend lost his wife at age 40 leaving him with three children to raise. The lose of her income forced him into bankruptcy.

Now I applaud our society for helping families in sad, tragic situations and institutions for hiring older individuals with no work experience. However, what disturbed me was this question: When she married her husband was this what she saw as her future? Was this the plan? Was this the way her husband had intended to leave her? Did he want her to remember him only for leaving her with a pile of debt, no way to pay the bills and no income?

Let's assume some *** with no brains, no brakes and a few drinks under his belt catches up with you at an intersection when you're coming home to you wife and kids? Will there be enough income until the kids are grown, money for final expenses, emergency funds, college funds, and mortgage cancellation. How about a little bouquet of roses on your anniversary date and a modest selection of Christmas gifts for a few years to let your family know you still love them even after you're not here to deliver them yourself? If tragedy visits your family are you prepared? Do you have plans for what you are going to do then that you don’t have time to do now?

I love my wife and I have made plans to insure that she will never HAVE to work at Wal-Mart or McDonalds after I am gone. Having watched the sad situation of a grieving distraught widow who could not afford two used tires I urge you to make sure your loved ones aren't left in that sad situation. If you need to review your planning or need help call me today! Don’t put it off another day!
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