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Whats the Best Way to Prospect for Aca Business During Open Enrollment?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
so open enrollment is nov15,2014- feb 15,2015 for the 2015 year? is there some type of lead program to capture business during this period?i've read of people writing 100-200 apps during this period. whats the commission rate for writing obama care?
so open enrollment is nov15,2014- feb 15,2015 for the 2015 year? is there some type of lead program to capture business during this period?i've read of people writing 100-200 apps during this period. whats the commission rate for writing obama care?

Let's clarify here..it's not Obama Care. The plans that are written are either thru the exchange (for those who qualify for a tax credit), off exchange for those who do not. Either way the plans are ACA compliant plans. Hustle, and call, call, call. Commissions vary by carrier. I've seen some creative ways to go about doing marketing, from booths at Flea Markets to signs out on peoples front lawns. The more creative you are the more business you'll write.
I know several agents that brought in lots of prospects from community outreach programs, talks at churches or community events. Personally, for 2015 we will be doing large scale advertising(billboards, radio, ect).
And lets not forget about that old school thing they call the internet..

I've heard of that....

Jlata1...your commission depends on your state. Each state has a different comp. I drive leads via the internet, including facebook. 100 apps in 90 days is doable, you just need to find 100 people who need insurance (or an agent). It sounds like you are pretty new. Have you told all your friends and family about your new venture? And asked them to tell their friends?