Who Has More Total Reserves The FDIC or All The Insurance Co's

Banks, by their very nature are in a riskier environment where customers and their emotions wanting access to their monies can cause a run on it in seconds. And if the bank ain't got it it has to call big daddy.

This is what the fed trading window is for, not the FDIC. Very few bank accounts (of any size) are demand accounts where you can walk in the bank and get your money. Most require 24 - 48 hours notice for significant withdrawals (try taking $100K out in cash someday).

When a bank is notified they are going to have a large withdrawal and do not have enough liquid assets, they 'borrow' the money from the fed overnight, putting up collateral, and get the money. It happens every day.

Of course, this is not your average household checking account.

I can assure you the total insurance company reserves are larger than the total FDIC reserves. I'll conceed that without even looking. Your goal should be to figure out utilization of those reserves. My guess is the insurance company reserves are utilized far more often and at a higher percentage on a more frequent basis than the FDIC reserves.

Now, if you have an agenda, you'll spin this any way you want.

Again, I think it's a losing proposition to your creditiblity to use this in a sales presentation.
