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Whole Life Quote Engine?

Does anyone know where I can find a whole life quote engine?:cool:

There are some UL quote engines out there, but they are very generic and can only show basics.

And that is the problem with WL. Each company has different features/options and even different terms & processes for the features that they share.

It would be incredibly hard to create an accurate one. And if someone did create one, it would probably be like the UL quote engines that are bare bones basic and to be blunt, suck.

Also, the less indy minded companies (like NYL, Guardian, MM, NWM) probably would want a 3rd party quoting their policies. MM & Guardian maybe, but I highly doubt NYL, & I would bet my next commission that NWM wouldnt.
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Does anyone know where I can find a whole life quote engine?:cool:


Question: What demographic are you trying to quote most often? Thinking that you are targeting the Medicare aged client and potentially looking for a Std and not graded rates, like that of FE products? Or are you looking for all age ranges?

One of the better WL products IMO is Ohio National Life if you are looking for higher face amts. Contact ONL directly and they will steer you to a GA; (that is their marketing system in most areas). If looking for lower face amts check out Motorists Life for fully u/w product, available thru Gordon Marketing in Indy.

If you find other alternatives I would be interested in what you locate as this is always an area of a void when running into the need for this product.
SportsNut said:

Question: What demographic are you trying to quote most often? Thinking that you are targeting the Medicare aged client and potentially looking for a Std and not graded rates, like that of FE products? Or are you looking for all age ranges?

One of the better WL products IMO is Ohio National Life if you are looking for higher face amts. Contact ONL directly and they will steer you to a GA; (that is their marketing system in most areas). If looking for lower face amts check out Motorists Life for fully u/w product, available thru Gordon Marketing in Indy.

If you find other alternatives I would be interested in what you locate as this is always an area of a void when running into the need for this product.

I'm looking to quote a 38 and 43 yr old male. They are looking for 250k on the 43 and 500k on the 38. They just bought and wanted to price shop it...
Each company's rate are going to be completely different. Not only are they mostly different from company to company, within many companies rates vary from state-to-state.
-- Even if you could find some sort of rate calculation online... There is really no such thing as a "generic rate". You would be just as well off quoting something off the top of your head of what you think it might cost. The only thing that would be acurate would be a calculation for a specific company for a potential insured in a particular state. I've seen 79y/o fnt for $20,000 of coverage in perfect health (besides hbp) run from $185(company A) to $325(company B). No such thing as generic rates when dealing with other people's money.