Your Experience with Impact Dialing


New Member
I am currently using radiusbob and it looks like they have an integration with Impact Dialing Auto Dialer. What has your experience been with impact dialer and how well does the integration work?

What do you like or dislike about this dialer?

Would you recommend this option or would you go with a different dialer?
No one likes self promoters trying to disguise themselves as agents. And by the way, your sites prices are a joke. No one charges per minute any more that is unless its the 80,s.

I'm an agent and have no connection with either company. I have only been using the radiusbob for a few months. Since I was thinking of using a dialer and I saw that dialer listed in their settings, I wanted to ask forum members input. I just DONT want to waste my money on something if it does not work, too expensive or if other better options are available.