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Your Job Is At Risk Of Elimination (Medicare-For-All)......

I follow politics very closely, so for those that don't, some very important information....The Socialist (Communist?) extremist wing of the Democrat Party is currently gaining steam for a bill that would ELIMINATE all of our jobs. The bill is called "H.R. 1384, the Medicare for All Act of 2019." Some key evil players in this are Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington State (key advancer of this Medicare-for-all bill), Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky (Chairman of powerful House Budget Committee, and he just co-sponsored the bill). I will leave their contact information at the bottom of this page.

This would turn the country into a completely Communist form of healthcare, where no citizen has a say in their healthcare, everyone is mandatorily taxed at an extremely high rate (Bernie says he'll probably raise payroll, income taxes to pay for 'Medicare for All'), the federal government is the ONLY provider of healthcare, and private health insurance is COMPLETELY ELIMINATED. Yes, you read that correctly. They're calling it "Medicare-for-all," but the system they're describing isn't Medicare, it's MedicAID.

On top of the obvious issue of our employment, even if I wasn't an agent, as a private citizen, I feel this is immoral and wrong. We are a free market nation. That's what sets us apart from all of the other Socialist and/or Communist countries. We, as a free people, DO NOT want government interfering in every aspect of our lives. That's what makes us proud Americans! This bill, if passed, would IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATE an estimated 4-5 MILLION jobs in the healthcare fields (insurance, doctors, nurses, healthcare facility practitioners, specialists), and would close a large amount of healthcare facilities that are dependent upon fair reimbursement for services rendered.

As we know, many doctors and healthcare facilities refuse to even take MedicAID, right now, because MedicAID reimburses them at such a low and unfair rate, and many of the doctors left that do take MedicAID have very poor star ratings, and wait times to see them can be very long. This is only a glimpse of what's to come for regular Americans if this were to pass. You definitely will not be able to keep your doctor, and the high quality of service that you're used to will fade away.

You will be taxed into oblivion to pay for substandard care. This is not the type of health"care" I want for myself or my family. Also, keep in mind, the main reason why some people are having problems on the exchange (with high premiums and/or deductibles) is directly BECAUSE of Socialist Obama (and the architects of Obamacare) butting in to private healthcare. Healthcare, for many hard-working middle class Americans, was ridiculously affordable BEFORE this became law of the land. Pre-existing condition protection was the ONLY good thing to come out of that mess.

Another few key points to keep in mind.....roughly 50% of Americans get their healthcare from their employer (and according to surveys, they're overwhelmingly happy), 15% are on Medicare (most surveyed as happy, but we know that's only because of the supplements or Medicare Advantage plans they get to fill the many holes that government Medicare leaves open), 20% are on Medicaid, and that leaves only 15% that have to buy Marketplace Exchange plan.

So, a logical person would have to ask, why are we going to upend and disrupt an ENTIRE system for only 15% of the population? I'll tell you why....because they want to CONTROL us. If this passes, we have NO OTHER OPTION but the government. There's nowhere to go if we aren't happy with their service.

Only (an estimated) 50% of people pay taxes, right now, in this country. So, essentially, the other 50% will be paying double or triple to pay for all the people that don't contribute to the system, yet use the services. This simply isn't morally right or fair. As insiders, I feel it is VITALLY IMPORTANT to get on as many website comments sections as possible, and educate people as to what's in store. This system is very complicated, and people understandably just don't know. I feel that we have a duty to do so. Just consistently Google "Medicare for all," click on "news," and if you see a recent article posted with a comments section, educate the general public.

Please be advised that, at this point, voting Democrat is literally voting for your job to be ELIMINATED. It's very black and white. The likelihood of this bill passing is extremely thin, as President Donald Trump is a Republican, and he came out strictly against this. Also, the Senate is currently controlled by the Republicans, and they would never pass a bill like this. My goal is to strictly get ahead of this issue, and just put the information out there, as many of the younger voters coming up have been lied to all their lives, and many of them are very extreme in their ideas. This is an issue we must stay ahead of, by educating people.

I thank you for your time, and God bless.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (D)(VT)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Office Locations | U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D)(WA)
Email - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
Offices - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal

Rep. John Yarmuth (D)(KY)
Congressman John Yarmuth : About John
This is a list of all Representatives that have co-sponsored the bill. Please locate your Representative(s) from the list, contact them, and voice your extreme displeasure with the talk of "Medicare-for-all," by some Democrats. Also, ask your family to vote them OUT of office, if they support this bill. Please be sure to mention that your entire family will not be voting for them, in the upcoming election, if they support "Medicare-for-all." It is VITALLY important that we stay aggressively on top of this.

Medicare for All Act of 2019 - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal

Find Your Representative | House.gov
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I follow politics very closely, so for those that don't, some very important information....The Socialist (Communist?) extremist wing of the Democrat Party is currently gaining steam for a bill that would ELIMINATE all of our jobs. The bill is called "H.R. 1384, the Medicare for All Act of 2019." Some key evil players in this are Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington State (key advancer of this Medicare-for-all bill), Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky (Chairman of powerful House Budget Committee, and he just co-sponsored the bill). I will leave their contact information at the bottom of this page.

This would turn the country into a completely Communist form of healthcare, where no citizen has a say in their healthcare, everyone is mandatorily taxed at an extremely high rate (Bernie says he'll probably raise payroll, income taxes to pay for 'Medicare for All'), the federal government is the ONLY provider of healthcare, and private health insurance is COMPLETELY ELIMINATED. Yes, you read that correctly. They're calling it "Medicare-for-all," but the system they're describing isn't Medicare, it's MedicAID.

On top of the obvious issue of our employment, even if I wasn't an agent, as a private citizen, I feel this is immoral and wrong. We are a free market nation. That's what sets us apart from all of the other Socialist and/or Communist countries. We, as a free people, DO NOT want government interfering in every aspect of our lives. That's what makes us proud Americans! This bill, if passed, would IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATE an estimated 4-5 MILLION jobs in the healthcare fields (insurance, doctors, nurses, healthcare facility practitioners, specialists), and would close a large amount of healthcare facilities that are dependent upon fair reimbursement for services rendered.

As we know, many doctors and healthcare facilities refuse to even take MedicAID, right now, because MedicAID reimburses them at such a low and unfair rate, and many of the doctors left that do take MedicAID have very poor star ratings, and wait times to see them can be very long. This is only a glimpse of what's to come for regular Americans if this were to pass. You definitely will not be able to keep your doctor, and the high quality of service that you're used to will fade away.

You will be taxed into oblivion to pay for substandard care. This is not the type of health"care" I want for myself or my family. Also, keep in mind, the main reason why some people are having problems on the exchange (with high premiums and/or deductibles) is directly BECAUSE of Socialist Obama (and the architects of Obamacare) butting in to private healthcare. Healthcare, for many hard-working middle class Americans, was ridiculously affordable BEFORE this became law of the land. Pre-existing condition protection was the ONLY good thing to come out of that mess.

Another few key points to keep in mind.....roughly 50% of Americans get their healthcare from their employer (and according to surveys, they're overwhelmingly happy), 15% are on Medicare (most surveyed as happy, but we know that's only because of the supplements or Medicare Advantage plans they get to fill the many holes that government Medicare leaves open), 20% are on Medicaid, and that leaves only 15% that have to buy Marketplace Exchange plan.

So, a logical person would have to ask, why are we going to upend and disrupt an ENTIRE system for only 15% of the population? I'll tell you why....because they want to CONTROL us. If this passes, we have NO OTHER OPTION but the government. There's nowhere to go if we aren't happy with their service.

Only (an estimated) 50% of people pay taxes, right now, in this country. So, essentially, the other 50% will be paying double or triple to pay for all the people that don't contribute to the system, yet use the services. This simply isn't morally right or fair. As insiders, I feel it is VITALLY IMPORTANT to get on as many website comments sections as possible, and educate people as to what's in store. This system is very complicated, and people understandably just don't know. I feel that we have a duty to do so. Just consistently Google "Medicare for all," click on "news," and if you see a recent article posted with a comments section, educate the general public.

Please be advised that, at this point, voting Democrat is literally voting for your job to be ELIMINATED. It's very black and white. The likelihood of this bill passing is extremely thin, as President Donald Trump is a Republican, and he came out strictly against this. Also, the Senate is currently controlled by the Republicans, and they would never pass a bill like this. My goal is to strictly get ahead of this issue, and just put the information out there, as many of the younger voters coming up have been lied to all their lives, and many of them are very extreme in their ideas. This is an issue we must stay ahead of, by educating people.

I thank you for your time, and God bless.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (D)(VT)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Office Locations | U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D)(WA)
Email - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
Offices - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal

Rep. John Yarmuth (D)(KY)
Congressman John Yarmuth : About John


If you sale life insurance... as government health care began to kill off more and more people... business would be good. :yes:

Remember our last 'well spoken' president suggested using pain killers rather than doing surgery...

Took pain killers for 8 years and then surgically removed the problem. :biggrin:
This is certainly something to keep your eye on, but the bill needs to go through the senate and Trump to become law. In other words, it's not happening unless the senate flips and Trump is out in 2020. Of course, if that's the case, this bill would be the least of our worries.
I understand that, but realistically they can't afford to do this with the Senior population how are they gonna afford to do it for everyone?