Car Insurance on Private Property - Claim


New Member
I had an minor accident at my workplace during my lunch break, My car front bumper got scratches from truck which was backing up thinking my car wasn't their behind, as result front bumper got some scratches and bent little, The truck driver immediately acknowledged his mistake and hooked up with safety person from their company and they have asked me to send the repair estimates?

After sending estimate from 2 different body shop repair they said they will be able to pay the lowest estimate of the two. Can you please let me know if i can claim the diminished value.? If I can, Please guide me how I can calculate the same.

Appreciate your help on this.
I can't answer your entire question, but I do know that collecting on dimished value can be very State and Insurance carrier specific.

Can you tell us what State, and do you know if there is an insurance claim filed? How old is your car?
Most auto policies don't cover diminished value under comp and collision but most auto policies do cover the driver's legal liability for damages, including diminished value. There are firms that have estimating software for this. If you have minor bumper damage with no structural damage, the diminished value is likely pretty small. I've seen diminished value claims of several thousand dollars for serious accidents that weren't total losses.