From Indiana - Traffic Ticket in Illinois


New Member
Hello and thank you for your professional opinion.

I am a 23 year old male driver going on 24 in two months from Indiana that received a speeding ticket on the highway in Illinois just outside Chicago.

When I was high school I was reckless and received a number of speeding tickets (3 I believe) and involved in two accidents.

After high school into college I did not have any troubles until senior year (2015) where I was involved in accident that they considered both drivers at fault (minor bumper incident in the parking lot) and we each paid for our own damage.

With our insurance extremely high due to my poor decisions, my parents were forced to insure their three cars under their own names and list me as a guest under their policy when driving (they are from the Northern Indiana region).

We went to Chicago yesterday as my parents went to visit their friends and I drove their vehicle to go visit a friend about 1.5 hour away. Along the way I received a speeding violation of 90mph in a 65mph zone as detected by Lodar and with the conditions listed as "day" and "clear". The violation code is: 625 ILCS 5/11 - 601(b) "Speeding over Statutory Limit 21-25" with a $140 fine.

I had several questions regarding this in terms of how this affects my driving privileges and insurance rate.

1. Given my past history of driving when I last got a speeding ticket in the summer of 2011 and the speeding ticket I have now, am I at risk for a suspended license or any other repercussions?
2. Am I a candidate for being park of a program such as a defensive driving class?
3. Most of these questions spring from how the difference will be that I am an Indiana resident who received an Illinois speeding violation - will that eliminate me from possibly applying for any deferral program?
4. Will this increase the rate of my parents insurance? The policy is a little murky and layered since I am officially a "guest" under their policy when driving their vehicles and not a titleholder under the insurance policy.

If you can help me with your opinion and advice on how to best approach this situation and how this will affect my parent's insurance policy that would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
I thought I was doing pretty well and made steps to improve my driving after the incidents during high school. I was extremely late after dropping my parents off in Chicago and let the repetitive lights followed by construction get to me and I went faster than I should have been going in that situation.