X-Dates: Cold Call Stats with Results, Good or Bad.

Passed on Monday, only was registered for the state mandated school requirements of 200 HOURS a couple weeks ago. I used your post as motivation to compress time frames. I wanted to personally thank you.

-Thank You!

Moving forward is never a bad thing.

Looks like well be starting off around the same time.
I should be signing up w/ a agency within the next week or so.
I just want to update a few numbers...

Dec '16/Jan '17 we wrote about $30k-$40k in premium, all high value properties, avg H/O Premium I would guess around $5k but that means some are a lot more and also the producer was able to take my leads and turn them into P.A.F. and Umbrella policies.

Feb '17 was an especially good month as people started to become more ready to move than when we originally cold called them. We had a Whale in this month so we ended up producing in Feb about what we did in Dec/Jan combined.

Remember that I just got licensed and will probably not be writing policies for myself, at least another month or two. This was mostly leads I generated but again I sort of am not the usual TM. More numbers as they come in, right now I am training in office and not doing cold calls but will start them again once I am through the training process.

I made about 75-100 CC Max about 3-4 days a week, 2-3 hours of solid cold calling on those days. You can do the math and see if it is advantageous. I did more than call X Dates here, called a lot of homeowners that might not be on everyone's list.
