Cold Call B2B Life Insurance

That is why you should take the advice I gave you weeks ago and switch to making 100 phone calls per day....

You are wasting gas and wasting time.

Scant if you don't me asking what is your general script. I've been successful cold calling by phone with Health insurance but never attempted with life.

You need to treat the phone calls as your primary prospecting method. Give it a try one week.

Sitting in your car does not put you in the right mindset to properly phone prospect. Sit down at a desk with a list of names and concentrate on just that one thing. Concentrating on traffic does not allow you to concentrate on prospecting. You are treating it as a secondary "throw away" form of prospecting by not concentrating on just it.

If you ball is up in the air every morning, sit down with a list of 1000 names and dont stop calling until you have set 2 appointments. That should be your daily routine, nothing else.

By the time it takes you to go to 3 businesses, I can call 20.
Ive spent zero dollars doing it... and my success rate for speaking to the owners will be much higher. (because its very easy to get someone on the phone vs. getting them to walk up front and speak to you personally)

I started my career prospecting the way you are currently. I was doing it because my "mentors" told me to. I quickly learned that all I was doing was driving to the business, getting the guys card, and being forced to call back the next day. So I cut out the wasting gas/time, and went straight to calling them. I wouldnt be in business today if I had kept doing it my mentors way. I took the advice of other successful agents.

Out of curiosity, is your mentor walking into 30 businesses per day? Im guessing not....

See the bolded portion, that is the key to the kingdom. I also was told to do the walk and talk routine. Not saying it doesn't work for some (it does), but it didn't work often enough for me. I sold some policies, but not enough to stay in the game. And it made me miserable. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
See the bolded portion, that is the key to the kingdom. I also was told to do the walk and talk routine. Not saying it doesn't work for some (it does), but it didn't work often enough for me. I sold some policies, but not enough to stay in the game. And it made me miserable. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.

Your avatar rocks!
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