Looking for Same Day Coverage


57 yr old male had lymphoma 2 years ago. Healthy now, 5'11 300 lbs. Modified benefit for him is no problem at all, but is there anywhere that will do same day coverage for him?
57 yr old male had lymphoma 2 years ago. Healthy now, 5'11 300 lbs. Modified benefit for him is no problem at all, but is there anywhere that will do same day coverage for him?

If he had lymphoma 2 years ago and he weighs 300 pounds, he is not healthy. If he is looking at a graded policy, why does it need to be same day coverage? He's not getting any death benefit for 2 years anyway...
Funny thing is, he is fine with it. Had a good appointment with him, sold him np, explained everything very well. Unfortunately, his wife wasnt there and shes the one pitching a fit.

And to correct myself, I meant more of a non graded/modified policy, rather than same day coverage. Im still sort of new to the business so my terminology might not be perfect.

I dont believe there is going to be anything reasonable out there, but correct me if Im wrong
The only way to find out is to have your brokerage company (if you have one) send out a medical summary to 10-15 companies and give you their responses. I would guess there are some companies out there that will give him a Table 4-8 rating depending on the doctor's notes regarding the lymphoma. His height/weight alone would likely put him into a table rating anyway. You never know until you ask. If you don't have a brokerage/general agent that can do this for you, it'll be a little tougher to get done.

Any underwritten coverage that can be done will be far cheaper than a graded death benefit policy, even at Table 8-10 rates.
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The only way to find out is to have your brokerage company (if you have one) send out a medical summary to 10-15 companies and give you their responses. I would guess there are some companies out there that will give him a Table 4-8 rating depending on the doctor's notes regarding the lymphoma. His height/weight alone would likely put him into a table rating anyway. You never know until you ask. If you don't have a brokerage/general agent that can do this for you, it'll be a little tougher to get done.

Any underwritten coverage that can be done will be far cheaper than a graded death benefit policy, even at Table 8-10 rates.

This man speaks the truth. It's your best bet.