Nationwide Indexed UL Blend-able?


Can anyone confirm that you could blend an indexed UL the way you'd blend whole life with a term rider as far as MEC guidelines go?
You can do that with Pac life but why would you need to with most IULs? Most can operate at full CV potential w/o blending.

I agree. The intention here is to reserve a larger DB for the future when I'm able to contribute more in outlay than I can initially without having to get re-underwritten or start a new policy.

Good to know Pac Life can do that and it functions mechanically the way we want in terms of MEC testing
So essentially you want a convertible term to a IUL product?

The original product is going to be set at the GPT and funded to the guideline annual premium, so it's pretty optimized for cash accumulation. But I'm also in a position where, with in a year, I should have more free cash flow personally to contribute more in the future.

Since I'm already maxing out the current one, I'd have to get another policy or ask to increase DB on this policy at that time...both of which would require re-underwriting at that time. If I can throw a little term on there now to up the effective cap but not hamstring my current cash accumulation, that seems ideal.
Can anyone confirm that you could blend an indexed UL the way you'd blend whole life with a term rider as far as MEC guidelines go?

You do know that a UL chassis is based on buy term invest the rest.

Why are you just looking at Nationwide? Other IULs are typically better.