Marketing Idea



Hey Sr. Market experts. My Medicare marketing efforts have been disappointing. What do you recommend for marketing Med-Supp's?


basically - I have very heavy on the P&C side. However, I live near the coast so I want to get into Medicare. However, my marketing has not been very successful to this group.
I have not done P&C

But I have done Maj med in the past
When I switched to Medicare
It took me a minuet to really grasp that I did not need to make as much
on fist year comish as I did with maj med because Medicare is long term residual

I make less on first year then I did with maj med
but after a few years I make more then I ever could with Maj Med
Hire a telemarketer that you can manage yourself not a telemarketing company.

That's definitely some great advice. I'd also toss in that you should do some on your own. It's very difficult to manage someone to do something you haven't done.

I do have some scripts and tips on that might help.

SEO isn't a complete waste, but it's very expensive and you have a TON of competition. Telemarketing companies rarely understand what you need to be doing/getting and with the margins on Medicare products it's tough to justify the expense.
one mailer, hired a telemarketing company, SEO/ web.

In case you haven't already...I would start with sending out a prospecting letter and follow that up with a phone call several days later to your EXISTING P&C clients that are 64 1/2 on up. This is a great way to thank them for their business and see if you might be able to help save them money on their existing health insurance. It's a lot easier to go to a current client than trying to find a brand new one.

If you want to provide an unique service to your clients you can go to and see if any of your clients have unclaimed property...if so what a great thing to share with them that they have some extra money that's waiting for them.

Also, there are several Medicare Supplement companies that have marketing pieces you can use as well.