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Cold Calling Script For Life Insurance

Being an "emotional pansy" I'm terrified at the thought of being called a "punk" on the web. ...scarred for life....

No one said you shouldn't question Frank's model, just have some respect doing it or endure the richly deserved wrath of the forum. Should you doubt this, simply watch as this thread progresses.
Makes me think of that dude a few months back that was going to make a half a million a year cold calling for annuities (remember him?). He was committed to post his results every day. It lasted three days.

So you've seen somebody do it with success? Tell us about it.

I do know of one person. I realize most will not make it, but that doesn't make it impossible.
Unless I miss my guess, it's gonna take a lot more than a sketchy estimate to convince any one that these kinds of numbers were achieved solely cold calling.

What else ya got?

I have known several over the years that did very well prospecting almost exclusively by cold calling.. both individuals and B2B. One of the most successful was a fellow who cold called business selling cancer plans.. He did not do any payroll deduction.. It was all written on individual bank draft. He would go down the main street of a small town calling on every business asking to speak to the owner.. he would make his presentation to the owner and when he finished, if he made a sale or not he would ask permission to speak to the employees. He had a saying, "one in the morning, one in the afternoon" and most days he sold at least two plans. The premiums averaged about 300 per app. His commission was 65% with a 20% lifetime renewal.. I'll let you do the math.. Would be a decent income today.. was exceptional in 1980..

The first few years I was in the business, I always led my district; was among the company leaders and 90% of my business came from canvassing door to door. It can still be done today if a person is willing to do it.
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I have known several over the years that did very well prospecting almost exclusively by cold calling.. both individuals and B2B. One of the most successful was a fellow who cold called business selling cancer plans.. He did not do any payroll deduction.. It was all written on individual bank draft. He would go down the main street of a small town calling on every business asking to speak to the owner.. he would make his presentation to the owner and when he finished, if he made a sale or not he would ask permission to speak to the employees. He had a saying, "one in the morning, one in the afternoon" and most days he sold at least two plans. The premiums averaged about 300 per app. His commission was 65% with a 20% lifetime renewal.. I'll let you do the math.. Would be a decent income today.. was exceptional in 1980..

The first few years I was in the business, I always led my district; was among the company leaders and 90% of my business came from canvassing door to door. It can still be done today if a person is willing to do it.

Louis, who taught you how to canvas?
Louis, who taught you how to canvas?
My staff manager with National Life and Accident.. I can still remember the approach word for word.

"Hi: I am Louis Rouse with the National Life. We have a service that has been of value to others in the community. Of course, I have no way of knowing if it would be of value to you but you can decide that for yourself with the answer to 3 simple questions.. That's fair enough isn't it? (smile while shaking your head yes)

I assume that like most people you like to save money, is that correct?

Have you ever lost any money that you saved?

Have you ever spent any money that you had saved?

If I could show you the best plan you have seen for assuring that you family will have money when they need it most, you would be interested wouldn't you?

May we step in?"

Would normally get in 2-3 homes out of every 10-12 we knocked where someone was at home.
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My staff manager with National Life and Accident.. I can still remember the approach word for word.

"Hi: I am Louis Rouse with the National Life. We have a service that has been of value to others in the community. Of course, I have no way of knowing if it would be of value to you but you can decide that for yourself with the answer to 3 simple questions.. That's fair enough isn't it? (smile while shaking your head yes)

I assume that like most people you like to save money, is that correct?

Have you ever lost any money that you saved?

Have you ever spent any money that you had saved?

If I could show you the best plan you have seen for assuring that you family will have money when they need it most, you would be interested wouldn't you?

May we step in?"

Would normally get in 2-3 homes out of every 10-12 we knocked where someone was at home.

If they said no to number one that they have never been able to save money would you just go to the If I could show?
If they said no to number one that they have never been able to save money would you just go to the If I could show?

Never had that happen.. perhaps because saving money has two connotations.. putting money back for a raining day or not spending as much.. If it had happened, I might have been so confused I would not have know what to say next! :D