Common T65 Medicare Questions


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Folks turning 65 naturally have some level of trepidation. For 70% of them, this will be the first time they have bought health insurance . . . they were always covered under a group health insurance plan.

The balance of T65's have either been without insurance or they had some form of individual insurance including Obamacare and sharing programs.

Most of their fears are unfounded and they range from the incredulous "I heard Medicare does not pay for cancer treatment" to the mundane and ridiculous "Is Medicare free?".

By far, the most common question I get, even before asking "How much does it cost" (which almost never comes up), is this . . .

"Will my doctor(s) take this plan?". In fact, that usually comes up early on in the discussion. The same question, in a different format, "Can I keep my doctor(s)?".

Now why would they ask that question unless they, or someone they know, have had problems in the past? Maybe someone said "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and that didn't work out as promised.

Considering that 70% have been covered under a managed care EGH plan and most of the rest have a managed care Obamacare plan, I would say there is a good chance they have some history with trying to find a provider who will accept this plan.

This flies in the face of those who say their clients have never had a problem with their plan being accepted by providers.

Obviously someone is either ignorant of the facts or lying.
Folks turning 65 naturally have some level of trepidation. For 70% of them, this will be the first time they have bought health insurance . . . they were always covered under a group health insurance plan.

The balance of T65's have either been without insurance or they had some form of individual insurance including Obamacare and sharing programs.

Most of their fears are unfounded and they range from the incredulous "I heard Medicare does not pay for cancer treatment" to the mundane and ridiculous "Is Medicare free?".

By far, the most common question I get, even before asking "How much does it cost" (which almost never comes up), is this . . .

"Will my doctor(s) take this plan?". In fact, that usually comes up early on in the discussion. The same question, in a different format, "Can I keep my doctor(s)?".

Now why would they ask that question unless they, or someone they know, have had problems in the past? Maybe someone said "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and that didn't work out as promised.

Considering that 70% have been covered under a managed care EGH plan and most of the rest have a managed care Obamacare plan, I would say there is a good chance they have some history with trying to find a provider who will accept this plan.

This flies in the face of those who say their clients have never had a problem with their plan being accepted by providers.

Obviously someone is either ignorant of the facts or lying.

I'll attempt a transparent post here before I get to marketing for the day.

On second thought. Never mind. I'll keep it short. Had two issues with docs in past two years, and both became non issues very fast. If agents do their jobs it's a non issue in many areas. I was going to be specific on this, but I know it would still be argued by certain folks. Neither of those two issues had anything to do with what Somarco portrays. So, I'll go be productive instead. haha
The vast majority of the T 65’s I speak to have either 1) Employer/or Cobra, or, ObamaCare. Very few a naked, or on Share Plans.
I show them how Part B will cost $164.90/ mo, Plan G $86/mo, Part D $10.90/ mo.
After a moment of silence, they look at me and say, “Is that all? I thought it would be more”
The vast majority of the T 65’s I speak to have either 1) Employer/or Cobra, or, ObamaCare. Very few a naked, or on Share Plans.
I show them how Part B will cost $164.90/ mo, Plan G $86/mo, Part D $10.90/ mo.
After a moment of silence, they look at me and say, “Is that all? I thought it would be more”

Should then go on and explain all their options to them. It may get even better.
Folks turning 65 naturally have some level of trepidation. For 70% of them, this will be the first time they have bought health insurance . . . they were always covered under a group health insurance plan.

The balance of T65's have either been without insurance or they had some form of individual insurance including Obamacare and sharing programs.

Most of their fears are unfounded and they range from the incredulous "I heard Medicare does not pay for cancer treatment" to the mundane and ridiculous "Is Medicare free?".

By far, the most common question I get, even before asking "How much does it cost" (which almost never comes up), is this . . .

"Will my doctor(s) take this plan?". In fact, that usually comes up early on in the discussion. The same question, in a different format, "Can I keep my doctor(s)?".

Now why would they ask that question unless they, or someone they know, have had problems in the past? Maybe someone said "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and that didn't work out as promised.

Considering that 70% have been covered under a managed care EGH plan and most of the rest have a managed care Obamacare plan, I would say there is a good chance they have some history with trying to find a provider who will accept this plan.

This flies in the face of those who say their clients have never had a problem with their plan being accepted by providers.

Obviously someone is either ignorant of the facts or lying.

I give you credit, you do try so hard and spend a lot of time trying to convince others (and possibly yourself?) that there is only one way to do Medicare. Keep it up!
My bad!
I forgot to show them the ONE MA in my County, $30/mo, weak network, MOOP $10,000.
With my over ride, I would make double the commission compared to selling a Med Supp.
You are right, I left commission money on the table.

Makes your job easier I guess. We have 26 MAPD’s and 4 Cost Plans plus all the Med Sups. Initial appt takes a long time to go over their options.
Very few a naked,

I have wondered how common that is.

I no longer remember how the subject came up, but a couple of years ago I was visiting with a lady and somehow we got onto discussing health insurance. I think she and her husband were both less than 5 years from Medicare, I was just stunned when she told me they couldn't afford the ACA premiums and they were going uninsured, hoping for the best, and waiting to hit Medicare age!
I have wondered how common that is.

I no longer remember how the subject came up, but a couple of years ago I was visiting with a lady and somehow we got onto discussing health insurance. I think she and her husband were both less than 5 years from Medicare, I was just stunned when she told me they couldn't afford the ACA premiums and they were going uninsured, hoping for the best, and waiting to hit Medicare age!
This happens more than we know. Most people just can't afford Obamacare premiums without the subsidy.
I have wondered how common that is.

I no longer remember how the subject came up, but a couple of years ago I was visiting with a lady and somehow we got onto discussing health insurance. I think she and her husband were both less than 5 years from Medicare, I was just stunned when she told me they couldn't afford the ACA premiums and they were going uninsured, hoping for the best, and waiting to hit Medicare age!
Yes. We pay $1400 per month. 5000 deductibles. Blows. Spouse is 65 in Dec. We are looking forward to that. I have another 13 yrs to go. We are lucky. So many cannot afford it at all.