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FE Clientele

I don't know why not. Is there a specific rule against a jockey weighing 300 pounds?

BTW. I saw a meme the other day that said the Kentucky Derby was nothing more than an Amish Nascar. Came awful close to sending it to you.
Good thing you didn’t. I would have to drive to Gawga and hunt your ass down.

Just look for the MAGA hat. Can’t be that many!! :1wink:
Figuring out the why but also sticking to a script and being consistent. If your script is all over the place, this is a frustrating segment. Find something that works and stick with it. I can close near 100% on the 2nd appointment with annuities however with final expense there is really no 2nd appointment and if you are closing 25% on the first calls you are doing very good. You need to check out your ego at the door much more than other types of insurance sales to succeed in FE world.
A good presentation will find their why and answer their objections before they come up.

Then you just push through their hesitation to the end.

Commit in your mind that you’re not coming back. (Because you aren’t).

“Any way you can come back next week?”

“Nah Mrs Mary, they’ll have me somewhere else. Now you said you wanted this to so your daughter wouldn’t have to pay for this right?”

Circle back to the why and don’t take no for an answer.

Once you push through a few times and see the relief and appreciation coming from your client, you won’t have any issue pushing through their procrastination any more.
A good presentation will find their why and answer their objections before they come up.

Then you just push through their hesitation to the end.

Commit in your mind that you’re not coming back. (Because you aren’t).

“Any way you can come back next week?”

“Nah Mrs Mary, they’ll have me somewhere else. Now you said you wanted this to so your daughter wouldn’t have to pay for this right?”

Circle back to the why and don’t take no for an answer.

Once you push through a few times and see the relief and appreciation coming from your client, you won’t have any issue pushing through their procrastination any more.
Even with home service clients, I still press to write the app on the first call. I still might have to go back on payday to get the payment. But I congratulate them on their wise purchase just the same. In their mind, they just purchased insurance and committed to the payment.

“Can you come back on the 3rd when I get paid?”
“Yes, ma’am! We can do the paperwork today and then I’ll come pick up the money on the third. Who do you want for your beneficiary?”

True, some of them don’t pay when I go back. But most do, if I’ve sold it right. The percentage of no-pays on my home service business is very nearly the same as bank drafted business. And on DE payors, my placement and persistency is MUCH higher if I place them on monthly agent collection vs auto-draft.

Point is, regardless of payment method, always close on the first call (unless you just don’t want them for a client. LOL!)