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Full-time to independent

I said 1 year in addition to renewals. You forgot to mention that and only attacked citing renewals only.
When you work for yourself you need to support a household and a business. If someone is not successful immediately they can only support one and it's usually the business that gets unfunded and dies.
If he took his time and had 1 years expenses saved and renewals to cover 50% of expenses, he could last for 2 years on that and anything he makes during that time would go to pay for future years while he continues to build his monthly profit and perfect his abilities.
Jumping in full time too soon is why 95% fail.
So he should take his time until he's comfortable financially and otherwise
Where in the world did you get that stat? Do you have links to a credible source? Because it’s the opposite of reality.

People who dabble part time usually fail out. People who jump in completely broke usually fail out.

People that save up some seed money ($3,000 to $5,000 ish) and jump in with both feet have the strongest chance of making it long term.
Jd your aquating having some good money saved before jumping in this to not having a hunger to succeed . And your saying when you have little money that makes you hungrier. Lol . For every success story of a guy making it with very little money there’s 50 that came in near broke and failed . Many people with little money will fail because the commission breath will make them desperate. I agree with 2 thing you said . If you want something bad enough you can do it .
No. I'm stating what I have observed over 20 years of doing this and over 4 IMO's and one captive situation.

I have never even seen one person come into this business well equipped if they fail and go on to make it. Not one!
I had been driving for Uber and Lyft part time in a previous software sales job because I thought that job was in jeopardy. I never touched the money from Uber and Lyft, and when my job very suddenly disappeared after I had closed a monster contract and thought I had saved the day, I had some money saved up. I had never heard of FE until about three weeks before I got my first batch of RGI leads. I just had time on my hands, so I got my license. Man, I wish I had started this 20 yrs earlier. I wasted so much time working with and for idiots and damn near RICO outfit companies. No more. I make more than any of my previous bosses and I answer to no one. I'll never retire, not because I won't be able to. I just don't want to.