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Has anyone Heard of Dream Source Consulting LLC AND THE Predictable Premium system

Re: Dream Source Consulting LLC and Alberto Riehl

I recently talked to them, the real sad part is, his video about having to live with a friend while his pregnant wife had to live with her mother and he tries to interview you like you need him, this arrogant troll just wanted to know how much I've been making, and not willing to invest in my business. Do Morons really think I will just disclose my income and the system was not explained, try again

Per this guy's facebook page, he should have insurance licensing in California, at a minimum. One would think that he would be contracting people under him or something.

But no licensing of any kind in California.

In Texas, he has an expired license. If he was REALLY selling all those policies, he would be collecting on some kind of renewals and would NOT let his license lapse - especially in Texas as it's quite expensive to renew after it expires.

I wrote this as a "review" on his Facebook page... and he removed the "reviews" tab on his page.

I wouldn't touch this outfit with a 30 foot pole.
Facebook allows owner to remove any review. Post on google, the owner can complain and google may or may not remove.
True, but he removed his ENTIRE reviews tab, not just mine... so all his FAKE reviews were removed (or at least hidden) as well. Lots of shell accounts gave him 5* ratings.

I don't know if you can remove a single review or not, but he hid them all.
Well, most of his reviews had to be cooked. He has something over 6000 likes on his business page. Now anyone who sells life insurance, if you can sell 6000 life cases, you would not then try to cold call and try to sell your program the way he has been doing. It is easy to get a lot likes by the way. Everytime I post an add on facebook, I get people from overseas likeing my page and then try to sell me 500 more likes at a cost of $100.

If we really bother him, he will just change his name of his business.

Per this guy's facebook page, he should have insurance licensing in California, at a minimum. One would think that he would be contracting people under him or something.

But no licensing of any kind in California.

I wrote this as a "review" on his Facebook page... and he removed the "reviews" tab on his page.

I wouldn't touch this outfit with a 30 foot pole.

Thank you, thank you Bro DHK!

i have my fleecing call in five minutes. . . I am so glad you guys are here to spread the wealth.

Putting my fleecing jockstrap on, buhring the hardsell AR. . .

Thank you again all!

Pray you good business and keep the faith, we change lives, even if we deal with a majority of time wasters and oxygen thieves!



Well, most of his reviews had to be cooked. He has something over 6000 likes on his business page.

snip. . .

I get people from overseas likeing my page and then try to sell me 500 more likes at a cost of $100.

If we really bother him, he will just change his name of his business.

I was in the internet game with an ecommerce site before insurance.

It is easy to develop FB likes, twitter follows, and youtube likes/subscribers and not that expensive.

Look here: https://buildmyfans.org/

it is a massive shell game done by bots.

Dont be fooled, guys!


I have been an unfortunate victim. The package sells a Proctor Gallagher course
which is probably cheaper to buy directly from Proctor Gallagher. It is a self-improvement goal setting course. So, this is his basis for the class to get you to 8 weeks. During his weekly calls, which he cut me off, he talks about how he is at some exotic location with his family. He will say something like as he sits on the balcony of his 5 start hotel over looking the beach he wants you to aspire to his lifestyle. He oozes of snake oil salesman. I asked for a refund within 30 days and he did not give it to me. There are others in the program who have not done anything with it because he draws out the Proctor Gallagher system and then he teaches you supposedly how to sell using Rich Dad Poor Dad book. He does not return calls and just wants me to get back into the program. He had a fake testimonial on his Dreamsource Consulting site at one time from a student and the picture of the student was a female Olympic soccer player. He cannot show proof. He also did not send me his contract after repeatedly asking for it and I ultimately received it when I disputed with my credit card company. And now I have proof that I can use with the California Attorney general. If you guys want the contract that he does not send out reach out to me.

Proctor Gallagher should be ashamed that they let this guy represent them.

STARY AWAY from him
Glad I looked this up but it was only curiosity because I was surprised to see the type of ad he used for professionals as the scammers use for people looking to get rich quick. Im referring to an ad with a sports car and mansion in the background next to a jet kind of ad.
I went through with the form but then got a ton of emails thereafter.
The last one that engaged me enough was an email that said 30 minutes and I will provide you with an email with the blueprints of exactly what it is I do to make 100K a month (paraphrase) a $1295 value. First off anything ending with digits like that is usually bs anyway in ads but whatever IMHO.
Then the video stated "I will speak to you personally" then after you sign up for the call back it immediately says I will or perhaps one of my other guys will be calling. Again (paraphrase) but you just said in your video you would be calling personally LMAO. But hey Ill still get this blueprint I thought (maybe).
After the call which was frustrating with loaded questions like: "What would be your reason for making more applications?" "How much do you want your business to make a month?" Do you want your businesses to grow? Why do you want it to grow?
I only hung in there to get to the end and see if he would email me this blueprint and what bs that might be. He asked what I make and how many apps and personal info and never revealed anything about what they do or how other than to say they have the magic formula already tested for print and digital ads. And a near $10,000 price tag with 8 or 12 wks of training (i forget). What training is needed every wk for that long? More selling the dream I suppose.

Maybe his system works but that isnt my point. Dont tell me lies that you will provide and not deliver than expect me to pay 10k minus a 4k discount on a one call one close when you havnt provided any answer except it will be great... its like watching a trump speech. And now I read your not even licensed? If they get one guy to give them 6k it pays for a ton more ads. even at one sucker a wk that has to be 40k.
Should I start selling to lawyers some dream and charge 20k without providing info? ...buy on this call and receive 8k discount LMAO.
Sorry in advance for any grammar or spelling but I needed to supply this info.
Is there nobody out there that IS doing business with him and can give us an opinion ? I, too did the phone call- he did the "valued advisor " Bill Backrack (?) sales process to perfection on me which was OK -i enjoyed being a part of that to tell you the truth.He seemed very robotic-which scared me a bit. I declined as he gave me till 5.00 that day to get back in touch with him to get the discounted price. I never called back. i remain very curious -