T65 Mail tips


Super Genius
I mailed T65 letters with a very low response rate, around .002% response. Wondering if it was my message or if they’re just getting so much mail they didn't even open mine.

I mentioned that I was a local broker, worked with a bunch of companies so they arent stuck with one or two companies, I can help with everything medicare, I can take care of everything for them, etc.

What are some good things to include for mailing T65?
I mailed T65 letters with a very low response rate, around .002% response. Wondering if it was my message or if they’re just getting so much mail they didn't even open mine.

I mentioned that I was a local broker, worked with a bunch of companies so they arent stuck with one or two companies, I can help with everything medicare, I can take care of everything for them, etc.

What are some good things to include for mailing T65?
What month in the t65 cycle did you mail and how offen
What month in the t65 cycle did you mail and how offen

I did 6 months before, 3 months before, and 1 month before 65th birthday, so first mail went out in October 2023. Was going to do 65th birth month but didnt want to waste more money since I had such a low response.
I did 6 months before, 3 months before, and 1 month before 65th birthday, so first mail went out in October 2023. Was going to do 65th birth month but didnt want to waste more money since I had such a low response.
So you picked 1 month and mailed it 3 times? How many people did you mail too?
I’ve found most people pick their agent from referrals. I’ve mentioned before and been degraded for it but 95% of my business is referrals. I have many clients referring their friends and family. I also have relationships with a P&C agency, big group of financial advisors, beauticians, lawyers, and some chiropractors and Drs. Build those relationships and you will never have to send the stupid lead cards again. I haven’t done one for over 15 years. And all of these referrals cost me exactly $0.00.

Also, volunteer for different groups and events. Each time I do I add new clients just from talking to people. One is called Senior Networking Group and is comprised of mainly social workers, etc from Nursing homes and hospitals and home health agencies. I am the only Medicare agent that attends so get lots of questions which lead to business.
I’ve found most people pick their agent from referrals. I’ve mentioned before and been degraded for it but 95% of my business is referrals. I have many clients referring their friends and family. I also have relationships with a P&C agency, big group of financial advisors, beauticians, lawyers, and some chiropractors and Drs. Build those relationships and you will never have to send the stupid lead cards again. I haven’t done one for over 15 years. And all of these referrals cost me exactly $0.00.

Also, volunteer for different groups and events. Each time I do I add new clients just from talking to people. One is called Senior Networking Group and is comprised of mainly social workers, etc from Nursing homes and hospitals and home health agencies. I am the only Medicare agent that attends so get lots of questions which lead to business.

I agree totally, but Im no where at the point where I have enough clients to get referrals from. Ive gotten a few referrals, but not anything meaningful yet.

Thanks for the tips for the other things such as volunteering, I’ll try to find some groups to get involved with. I did attend some senior events at a health clinic but found out they didnt like the fact I worked in insurance so that fizzled out pretty quick.
I did 6 months before, 3 months before, and 1 month before 65th birthday, so first mail went out in October 2023. Was going to do 65th birth month but didnt want to waste more money since I had such a low response.

It might be a bit too spaced out. i.e. you were trying to build some "recognition" by sequencing (good) but 90 days between 1st and 2nd letter arriving won't really do that.
2 months, March and April, and yes mailed 3 times for each month. Mailed about 500 people total. Had one response out of all of that.

The 500 people - how far out (miles) from you are those people? i.e. if they got the letter and saw that you lived in ___ city, would they link, "cool, Jack is local to me"?

Sometimes agents spread out too far - not saying that's what you did just trying to get an understanding of how you put it together.

Lastly - remember small sample sizes it's hard to draw good conclusions from 500 people.

Some agents :biggrin: send 6-8 pieces so you may be competing against some saturation.
It might be a bit too spaced out. i.e. you were trying to build some "recognition" by sequencing (good) but 90 days between 1st and 2nd letter arriving won't really do that.

The 500 people - how far out (miles) from you are those people? i.e. if they got the letter and saw that you lived in ___ city, would they link, "cool, Jack is local to me"?

Sometimes agents spread out too far - not saying that's what you did just trying to get an understanding of how you put it together.

Lastly - remember small sample sizes it's hard to draw good conclusions from 500 people.

Some agents :biggrin: send 6-8 pieces so you may be competing against some saturation.

So would you say mailing every month from 6 months to 0 months is the best idea, or what’s a good schedule?

Some were pretty far away, about 80 miles. In hindsight, I shouldnt have done that far away. Is there a good radius for this?

I agree, 500 is not enough data, so im trying to make corrections to my mail before I do this again. I just think 1 response is insanely low, and trying to see what went wrong. I dont have a large name recognition, so someone 25 miles away will have no idea who I am, im sure that hurts me.