$125 in Free Hometown Quote Leads?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Too good to be true?

Is anything really free?

I wonder if this applies to those who already have an account with Hometown?
did they individually send that email out or did they bulk spam us? spam is fine, I do it all the time to internet leads myself..
I dont think it applies if you already have an account with them, but for first time buyers, im sure they do give you $125 of free leads to start with

Yes, I received an individual email ... from insurance-forums.

There is also a banner advertisement at the top on insurance-forums if you wait for it to come up.
I haven't used Hometown, BUT I have used enough other companies to have come to the conclusion that internet leads ARE different versions of SUCK!
We screwed up:(

There was supposed to be an "*" on the sign up page but I notice it is not there.

Key is like the "buy one get one free" sales idea. Typically we have the agent put down $100 & we'll match that in a sale. But the disclosure didn't make it to the post. Working on that today.

So I've instructed our Sales Department to INCREASE the FREE Leads "match" to $150. You put $100 on deposit with us & we'll give you $150 more for Free! If you've already signed up we will increase it for you.

It is not my/our intent to deceive anyone. We do our best to be transparent. We can do better.

FYI: I heard a good quote from a friend lately that can apply to all of us:

"I reserve the right to get Smarter!"

Go out & make some money guys! If I can help, please give us a call. We'd like to earn & Keep your business by making sure you make money with our leads. If you Ever have an issue with HometownQuotes.com, my phone, email, IM "Door" is always open. Please give me a chance to earn your business.

It is not my/our intent to deceive anyone. We do our best to be transparent. We can do better.

Leads free, oh sorry input error.