2nd to Die Term


New Member
What companies offer 2nd to Die Term insurance? I understand the 2nd to Die insurance tends to be permanent, but have found some companies offer this on Term insurance. How long are the durations that are offered?

Any insights?
Minnesota Life does, but it is ART intended to convert. Just helped an agent write a $5M case 8 months ago for only $200 a Qtr prem. Converted it this week to no lapse IUL for 56k per year for 30 yrs to guarantee the no lapse to age 120. Only reason the ART was written was because they didn't have the no lapse compliant with mortality tables until now.

The SD-ART only is a bandaid to plan to convert or wait for legal docs to get in order or maybe for clients to get premium finance, etc in order.

Never understood the concept of 2nd to Die term as most needs for 2nd to die protection won't be handled by temporary protection. But saw a commercial client trick a lender into accepting 2nd to Die on buy sell commercial loan years ago because it was cheaper than our proposal of legitimate individual policies on each partner