48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Days?

Re: 48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Day

ok guys, now u gotta give details, what happened with dyadvisor?
Re: 48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Day

He had a supposed 10 lesson on content writing with linking. He gave two lessons and then stopped. I asked for a refund because the quality was crap anyways. Then when he agreed to a refund, he never gave it. I have the paypal records to prove it. It was a $100 lesson in content writing alright;-)
I post my experience so noone else gets hoodwinked as well.
Re: 48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Day

I think he had a heart attack or stroke? It's not possible it's due to his health?
Re: 48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Day

He had a supposed 10 lesson on content writing with linking. He gave two lessons and then stopped. I asked for a refund because the quality was crap anyways. Then when he agreed to a refund, he never gave it. I have the paypal records to prove it. It was a $100 lesson in content writing alright;-)
I post my experience so noone else gets hoodwinked as well.

Why didn't you file a chargeback?
Re: 48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Day

I think this is a great offer.

I'll sign up right away.

Then I can use my SEO library for kindling, stop my link building efforts, cancel my subscription to WordTracker, Spyfu, et al, forget everything I've learned about CSS, PHP and (x)HTML and then take a permanent vacation to a Caribbean island and enjoy the rest of my life.

Gee Whiz! I've wasted so much time learning how to generate traffic when I could have had V-8 and spent more time watching sports on TV.
Re: 48 Hour Google Domination, Get a Domain to #1 in a Couple Day

DYAdvisor has indeed had serious health issues. I have not had contact with him in several months and can't say what is going on now.