52 hours is a lonnng time

We need all we can get! Dems have run the state for years ... we need all we can get... or maybe I should just move. :v_SPIN:
I was visiting with my brother from Cobb County GA the other day and he told me something about that county where I used to live I found surprising.

When I lived in Kennesaw there was a law that each homeowner must own a gun. While visiting Indiana I hoping to bring my AK47 back to CA since I heard The SCOTUS rules CA's law against hi cap mags unconstitutional. But, I learned I could not risk having it confiscated because it's still illegal due to having a pistol grip and some other silly reason. So, bummer. If I get killed in a revolution because my arsenal has been compromised it's going to make me mad, man.

Anywho, Cobb County is well-run while we, in The Dino, can't get 911 to answer our calls. I believe the former has been staunchly Republican while the latter, Democrat.

Big bro tells me that when he turns 62 the county will eliminate the school-funding portion of his property tax. He currently pays over $3000/year. It's going to be roughly $500. The rest of us will continue to pay rent for the homes we own.
Ok you gun huggers... we were discussing how long classes are... not how many rounds you get in a clip.

And by the way... we do need more gun training courses. Do you realize how many shootings in this state end up being injuries only... any body ever heard on " center mass"?
Ok you gun huggers... we were discussing how long classes are... not how many rounds you get in a clip.

And by the way... we do need more gun training courses. Do you realize how many shootings in this state end up being injuries only... any body ever heard on " center mass"?
I heard about a tragic case a few nights ago. Of course, most cases are tragic. A man had a hobby building guns. He took his girlfriend to the range, a round got stuck, without removing the mag he dislodge it which, of course, loaded another round. He shot himself thru the arm, went into her chest. Killed her. 38 with two young sons. I feel bad for that man and, of course, all involved.

Kaitlin Bennett says more Americans are killed with hammers than rifles. I didn't fact check. Ain't nobody got time for that. But, I bet her sources are US gov data.
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I don't know what color they were.

Just a little aside... you could have left that part out.

Thanks for sharing... I am sure that it was the kind of tragic accident that will haunt him the rest of his life.

I met a man who once shot his own wife while showing his buddy an "unloaded" rifle. We all three laughed as he told the story, bullet went through 2 or three rooms before lodging in her thigh. She survived but he died a thousand deaths... she saw to that.