Agent Outfits

BKrocko, thanks for your input. I never tried them, but it was that earnings projection in the AHP brochure that made me leery of them. I don'y know the connection with Don Duyea, but I thought it interesting that the USA Benefits Group went from 8 to 10 agents to only one. I suppose you can go to AHP without going through Duryea's group, right?
What kind of things are they getting declined/hung up in underwriting for?

They do a telephone interview with every applicant... seems the interviewer is not always accurate... case in point: female, smoker went on her own and paid for a test the local heart hospital was offering... you know, the kind of tests performed in a truck, usually in the parking lot of a clinic or facility. She got this test because she is a smoker and recognizes the health hazard she is subjecting herself to by smoking because her husband died in his 40's due to smoking.

Well, the interviewer put down she got this test on the advice of her doctor for a heart murmur??? What??? well 2 months later after 2 aps's we still do not have a decision on this case.

Another case with a young family... No health issues at all... and I mean NONE, took over a month to approve.

Now, I have only been doing individual health for a few months but this seems to be a long time to issue for a family with no health issues. Would you agree?

With this said, I will still probably send cases their way but only the squeakiest of squeaky clean cases. PM me if you need any info or copy of their brochure.

Al D.
If you look at their training calander, product line up and so forth they are identical to usabg which is tied in to ahcp. Ok, so and yes usabg has agents making money and more than some of us here. As far as Don Duryea and his group, I think they are a fine group to be connected to, a wealth of info and support and offer a lot of useful assistance without cost. I cant say anything bad about this group, weekly meetings, weekly training, and ahcp does nothing but consistently try to bring new product and tools to the agents as well. Best of all neither of these two ever asked for money up front or an exclusive. Take what you want and leave the rest. Its a great place to get acquainted with!
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