Anyone Know Online Life Insurance Comparative Rater

I suggest you delete your post Teralyn. Compulife is a great company of the highest level and thousands of agents use their services. Be careful with what you write--especially with your name and picture exposed.
You think they'd be upset that I mistook their sales pitch for a scam instead of a legitimate product? I think they'd take it into consideration as I'm not the only sound minded agent to say so... maybe they'll redesign the page so we can recognize it as trustworthy right off the bat! I'm not deleting it. I sure wish with many others that it looked more legitimate. It certainly works very well, I played with it. But it needs design improvements. I sure hope I shouldn't be concerned about the feedback I've given.
You think they'd be upset that I mistook their sales pitch for a scam instead of a legitimate product? I think they'd take it into consideration as I'm not the only sound minded agent to say so... maybe they'll redesign the page so we can recognize it as trustworthy right off the bat! I'm not deleting it. I sure wish with many others that it looked more legitimate. It certainly works very well, I played with it. But it needs design improvements. I sure hope I shouldn't be concerned about the feedback I've given.

The owner is on here (Robert Barney). He's pretty convinced he knows what insurance agents want and he's put that product out there based on what he believes the market needs. He's got plenty of free time on his hands to look over any suggestions you feel like sending him; you should shoot him an email.

I'm not a fan of the fact that it's mostly desktop software, but there are a lot of folks that do well with it. went with an online model and I feel like that's a much better move considering the direction things are heading.
The owner is on here (Robert Barney). He's pretty convinced he knows what insurance agents want and he's put that product out there based on what he believes the market needs. He's got plenty of free time on his hands to look over any suggestions you feel like sending him; you should shoot him an email.

I'm not a fan of the fact that it's mostly desktop software, but there are a lot of folks that do well with it. went with an online model and I feel like that's a much better move considering the direction things are heading.

Compulife license the software to that offers some nice website programs and mobile apps.
The way it keeps saying FREE FREE! and the wording sounds like an infomercial, I am going to read the terms to see if maybe they're taking the rights to the names and email addresses and DOB of the people you enter, maybe they're selling the information to COMPtheirLIVES for that 4 months you get it FREE? It just seems fishy and looks fishy? I could totally design them a better front :/

I would love to use the product without worrying about that but the way it presents is just... not very professional even though the product itself works.

I would like to email Barney. We've got to do something about the PR on that. I am proud of my industry and I would like to see it present in a less alarming manner.


I am confused by people saying that they dont offer webquotes, the main page says they do for $99 A YEAR. And mobile quotes.
Don't use it........ Please.

I have only been in business a few years and use it daily. On my desk top, tablet and phone.

I agree with you, do not use it.

What do you suggest that is better?

The way it keeps saying FREE FREE! and the wording sounds like an infomercial, I am going to read the terms to see if maybe they're taking the rights to the names and email addresses and DOB of the people you enter, maybe they're selling the information to COMPtheirLIVES for that 4 months you get it FREE? It just seems fishy and looks fishy? I could totally design them a better front :/

I would love to use the product without worrying about that but the way it presents is just... not very professional even though the product itself works.

I would like to email Barney. We've got to do something about the PR on that. I am proud of my industry and I would like to see it present in a less alarming manner.


I am confused by people saying that they dont offer webquotes, the main page says they do for $99 A YEAR. And mobile quotes.
The way it keeps saying FREE FREE! and the wording sounds like an infomercial, I am going to read the terms to see if maybe they're taking the rights to the names and email addresses and DOB of the people you enter, maybe they're selling the information to COMPtheirLIVES for that 4 months you get it FREE? It just seems fishy and looks fishy? I could totally design them a better front :/

I would love to use the product without worrying about that but the way it presents is just... not very professional even though the product itself works.

I would like to email Barney. We've got to do something about the PR on that. I am proud of my industry and I would like to see it present in a less alarming manner.


I am confused by people saying that they dont offer webquotes, the main page says they do for $99 A YEAR. And mobile quotes.

Miss Teralyn,

I am tying to get my head around your apparent concern that if someone uses the word "free" that there must be a catch or a scam of some sort.

Is that really your position?

Don't you, as a life insurance agent, offer a free meeting, free advice, free counseling, with no obligation, all with the hope that you might be able to sell someone a life insurance policy. Or am I misunderstanding what you do for a living? Perhaps you are a fee based planner, and charge by the hour. But even most lawyers will give you 30 minutes free in order to review your possible case.

So if a life insurance company has a 10 day FREE look on their policy, you would say "watch out, it's a scam".

If your local auto dealer offers a "FREE" test drive, you would say stay away, they're going to steal something from you?

And what about those financial outfits that offer you cash if you sign up. Now there's a real scam!

Or my favorite, time shares that will give you a $75 American Express Card if you spend an hour listening to a sales presentation.

And here's a company ripping off tons of people:

What kind of self respecting corporation offers you $600 to switch your investment accounts to them?

Of course none of this means that something is a scam. It's better known by the technical term: "advertising".

Advertising, in case you didn't know it, costs money.

Compulife's 30 day FREE trial, and our Dare to Compare Challenge, are inducements to get people to look at our product. If I can get an individual to take a hard personal look at our product on their own, then I don't have to hire sales people to go to their office and do demonstrations. Instead I induce you to do it yourself by offering you a form of compensation. You take our product and learn how to use it, for that we give you 4 months FREE.

That's not a scam, that's just good business.

Years ago, when most people had black and white TV's, TV sellers would offer people a free color TV loaner if their B&W set needed to be taken to the shop for repair. The store would stick the B&W in the corner for a week, and then call the owner to tell them that it would cost such and such to fix, or they could pay X dollars and upgrade to the loaner set they had. Very few people wanted to ever see that old B&W set ever again.

Was that a scam? No, that was clever selling. You should try it.

By the way, I just heard this ad and thought of you:

Cuomo is such a slimey scam artist.
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The way it keeps saying FREE FREE! and the wording sounds like an infomercial, I am going to read the terms to see if maybe they're taking the rights to the names and email addresses and DOB of the people you enter, maybe they're selling the information to COMPtheirLIVES for that 4 months you get it FREE? It just seems fishy and looks fishy? I could totally design them a better front :/

I would love to use the product without worrying about that but the way it presents is just... not very professional even though the product itself works.

I would like to email Barney. We've got to do something about the PR on that. I am proud of my industry and I would like to see it present in a less alarming manner.


I am confused by people saying that they dont offer webquotes, the main page says they do for $99 A YEAR. And mobile quotes.

Are you an insurance agent or a web designer? To be quite honest I visited your website and it could use a bit of work too. There is no clear message, no call to action, and a broken web form that is suggesting you have not paid a bill to a vendor.

With regard to your denigrating remarks about Compulife, you have exposed yourself as being a very naive and inexperienced life agent. Bob is well known and a very respected member of the life insurance community. Compulife has been around for as long as I can remember, and I have been in this business over 30 years.

With regard to you having a problem with the word "FREE". May I respectfully suggest to get over it and actually embrace it, you might even make a few dollars. The word "FREE" is the most powerful and effective word in the marketing world.

If you are serious about selling term life insurance, I would strongly recommend getting to know Bob and taking him up on his FREE offer. If term life doesn't work out and you would like to try selling FE or SIWL, I can recommend another fantastic quoting tool that also has a FREE trial