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Background Check

UHC with their senior product, because it's through AARP have a look back period, I know this for a fact because it was 10 years for a BK, misdemeanors may be the same but I was asking if anyone knew for sure. I know if it's less than 5 year they definitely wont consider it, whether your upfront, have an explanation or anything else. I actually am appointed with UHC direct, and have never been turned down for an appointment with any carrier, but AARP has some specific requirements. So I ask again, does anyone know what their look back is? Kind of a pain to fill out the appointment work so I thought Id just put this out there and see if anyone knew. If you call them, they wont tell you, Ive tried. And yes Im familiar with expungement, but thats different in every state
UHC with their senior product, because it's through AARP have a look back period, I know this for a fact because it was 10 years for a BK, misdemeanors may be the same but I was asking if anyone knew for sure. I know if it's less than 5 year they definitely wont consider it, whether your upfront, have an explanation or anything else. I actually am appointed with UHC direct, and have never been turned down for an appointment with any carrier, but AARP has some specific requirements. So I ask again, does anyone know what their look back is? Kind of a pain to fill out the appointment work so I thought Id just put this out there and see if anyone knew. If you call them, they wont tell you, Ive tried. And yes Im familiar with expungement, but thats different in every state
Why don't you call them and ask? They would know better than we would. :yes:
UHC with their senior product, because it's through AARP have a look back period, I know this for a fact because it was 10 years for a BK, misdemeanors may be the same but I was asking if anyone knew for sure. I know if it's less than 5 year they definitely wont consider it, whether your upfront, have an explanation or anything else. I actually am appointed with UHC direct, and have never been turned down for an appointment with any carrier, but AARP has some specific requirements. So I ask again, does anyone know what their look back is? Kind of a pain to fill out the appointment work so I thought Id just put this out there and see if anyone knew. If you call them, they wont tell you, Ive tried. And yes Im familiar with expungement, but thats different in every state

The reason their lookback on BK's is 10 years is simply because that's how long BK's stay on the books. On the background reports they don't ask for the last XX years. They just run the report and whatever comes back is what comes back. If they don't have a problem with what they see (which they obviously don't with you), then you're okay. In other words, there is no particular time frame.
Any one here know how long the look back is with UHC/AARP MAPD for background these days? Know from experience? I know it use to be 10 years for bk's and things like that. How about for misdemeanors ie: Disorderly Conduct, 10 years, 7, 5??

My personal experience, and suggestion is to get the facts about any past behavior that is not socially acceptable that resulted in any arrest. Criminal records don't go away, no matter the length of time. I had a record from 17 years ago come up.

Get all the dates, counties, charges, and most importantly, write out a letter explaining why you were behaving the way you were, and what you have done to change.

They are looking to see if you are willing to be genuinely honest, sincere, and have taken steps to change. My experience has been some will contract me, some won't. But they all thank me for my honesty. Just don't try and hide it.

Some of the carriers phrase the question; "Have you ever been charged, pled guilty to, arrested, had any cases dismissed, filed for bankruptcy, part of a civil suit etc.

I was denied an appointment for not disclosing a case that was dismissed eight years ago. That carrier only asked if I had a felony conviction, and I said no, because I don't.

From that point on I made a decision to disclose all of it, write a letter, and it works better that way. You will feel better not trying to hide it or worrying if they will find it.
From that point on I made a decision to disclose all of it, write a letter, and it works better that way. You will feel better not trying to hide it or worrying if they will find it.


True dat.

Had a similar issue many years ago with my state license renewal app. Chewed on it for a while and decided to disclose with explanation. Got the renewal. No problem since.

It's even more advisable these days with the internet and everything connected by computers where there is a much better chance that there is some vestige of the record appearing somewhere where you least expect it.