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You know what that tells me also.. the NEW sites that rank are all WP.

The old ones are pre-wordpress and have the advantage of age.

I mean, I sell websites. I'm to the point now where I just mostly built out in wordpress, because its easier for the user to maintain, has a built in CMS, and why should I reinvent the wheel. I'm usually there to make sure the tags are done right and the site gets traffic.

I mean, I think I'm sorta a guy selling hammers in a world of pretty pictures though. You want something pretty I know better people.
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But stay with me here - you could take an agent with a WP theme and work that same SEO magic - so why the need for a website.

Oh I'd say don't even buy a theme. Spend 5 dollars on a nice header image instead, and spend the money you would have spent on that theme on professionally written LSI content.

My 250 buck figure was figuring for 8-10 pages of 1000 word LSI content, a 5 dollar header, and hosting. That'd be a better bang for the buck than anything sub 1000 dollars, and you save 750 dollars you can use for stock images, quote engines, something other than prettying up the website marginally.
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But stay with me here - you could take an agent with a WP theme and work that same SEO magic - so why the need for a website.

I dont understand part of the discussion here-

You can download static html site templates from most hosts like hostgator for free. Then you have to go about replacing the images, text...etc etc.

WP is the same as a static html site, one of the differences is instead of one html doc and css doc and mb a js doc, WP is split into many "templates" (header, navigation, footer, content..etc) and they have "The Loop" that ties that all together.
You know what that tells me also.. the NEW sites that rank are all WP.

The old ones are pre-wordpress and have the advantage of age.

I mean, I sell websites. I'm to the point now where I just mostly built out in wordpress, because its easier for the user to maintain, has a built in CMS, and why should I reinvent the wheel. I'm usually there to make sure the tags are done right and the site gets traffic.

I mean, I think I'm sorta a guy selling hammers in a world of pretty pictures though. You want something pretty I know better people.
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Oh I'd say don't even buy a theme. Spend 5 dollars on a nice header image instead, and spend the money you would have spent on that theme on professionally written LSI content.

My 250 buck figure was figuring for 8-10 pages of 1000 word LSI content, a 5 dollar header, and hosting. That'd be a better bang for the buck than anything sub 1000 dollars, and you save 750 dollars you can use for stock images, quote engines, something other than prettying up the website marginally.

A decent market is helping people get completely set up with their WP site. Too many don't buy the themes because they don't know how to install or set them up.
Great points from everyone. You can do it yourself or hire someone to do what you want. Whatever works.

10 leads a day was never enough for me. I wanted a lot more. A lot!

But if you're just starting, stick with a basic WP theme. You can always change it later.
I dont understand part of the discussion here-

You can download static html site templates from most hosts like hostgator for free. Then you have to go about replacing the images, text...etc etc.

WP is the same as a static html site, one of the differences is instead of one html doc and css doc and mb a js doc, WP is split into many "templates" (header, navigation, footer, content..etc) and they have "The Loop" that ties that all together.

You're not trying to convince me - we're trying to give Chumps an education.
Oh I'd say don't even buy a theme. Spend 5 dollars on a nice header image instead, and spend the money you would have spent on that theme on professionally written LSI content.


Look at this guy #3 or 4 for florida health insurance : Florida Health Insurance, ugly ass site.

and he's also #9 for the same term with another one of his bland white bread sites :Florida health insurance

I think he prob has issues with conversions, but hey he worked it.
You're not trying to convince me - we're trying to give Chumps an education.

oh i wasnt trying to educate chumps, hes been doing this longer than me and is quite successful. anyway this seems to be a discussion along the lines of whose pee pee is bigger, doesnt matter --nothing u can do to change it, it is what it is. If Chumps believes static html are better than WP, more power to him, he could be right for all I know, though I think he's wrong unless he has more to his position than what he's posted.