Build Charts - Loose Companies


I wanted some suggestions on where you think to place someone for a Life (term) policy with these conditions. I'm looking for companies that are generous on the build chart. Thanks

Married Couple (43yo and 47yo) with 2 children.

Man - 5'7" 276lbs (no medical or other condition)
Wife - 5'8" 300lbs (some hospitalization 5+ years ago)

They want insurance for at least the man $300k. Is there some way way of getting creative here???

(obviously there are other factors and details you don't have but just wanted some suggestions as to how you might approach this)

I would go to Prudential for both.

Him - 5'-7" - Table B cutoff is 274 pounds, Table C is 287 pounds.

Her - 5'-8" - Table C cutoff is 295, Table D cutoff is 308 pounds
Look at United of Omaha's FIT program and see if they would qualify for a table decrease. They also have a liberal table as well.