Can You Write Off Leads?

Just wondering, I have a W2 with a captive and want to know if I can write these off. I have never done my own taxes so your input is appreciated.
It's a business expense but he needs to ask his tax guy or gal if he can write lead expenses off as a W2 captive agent.
I'm not sure why anyone would ask a tax related question here anyway when all they need to do is pick up the phone and call their tax guy.
oh boy...getting snippy! lolol must be still angry as to how in the world the blues lost to the kings again!
hahaha no im just kidding you are 100% right. this was not the place for the post. i just had to say something after i saw the blues logo. im in chicago, my wife is a blue's fan, our dog's name is actually OSHIE hahaha. im an...islanders fan.....
Yes you can write off leads as a W2. The question is, are you a statutory employee or a true W2? That will make a difference on how you write them off.

Consult your tax advisor before making any decision.
Wow, lots of variety there. You're "flag" says you live in Minnesota!
Kudos to your wife and hope she's also a Cardinal baseball fan.
My apologies to you if you're a Cub fan.
Love the dog name!
Have a Happy Memorial Day!
You couldn't come to a better place for insurance, marketing, SEO and website advice but do NOT get tax advice from any forum.

Call your CPA or call the IRS - it's a free call.