Caught You, AllWebLeads!

Why anyone would buy shared leads is beyond me.

Create your own live transfer leads or create your own direct mail leads.

This way YOU are the only person receiving the lead.

Nick, I for one appreciate you falling on the sword for us.:swoon:

btw-Weren't you gonna change your name to "Thaddeus" or something like that? Any update?

My current name is Nicholas Lasseter Perry. When I get married, my fiancee and I are both going to take my middle name, Lasseter, as our last name (which will bring my last name more in line with my family). I was considering Maximilan as my middle name, but had to do some thinking about how long it'd take for the novelty to wear off :tongue:

Still trying to come up with a new one. Tiffany likes Gabriel. Nick Gabriel Lasseter.

And you know I'd take a bad lead right between the eyes for you any day, Paul!
I'm fairly certain that this is not our intended process. I'll look into what is going on and report back on what I find.


So after you "look into this" we can expect that site to come down....we'll be checking since selling leads like that to health insurance agents is border line fraud.
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Good stuff......thanks allwebleads.

I got a lead a few months ago (not from AWLs) and was thrown by what the lady told me. She told me she was paid to "validate" websites. I guess if she validates 10 lead sites per hour, she makes a lead company a lot of money. It really makes me wonder about all those leads that don't answer...I may dig through my leads and call her again.
I was just going to sign up w allwebleads yesterday until I saw this thread. Even with the filters I was going to put on the leads, someone looking for the vision ins could still qualify for a lead. Any suggestions then on which health lead comp would be best?? I would still like to buy some leads along with direct mail, doorhangers, b2b, and advertising.