Closing Technique on a Hard Client

Thanks. Thats exactly what I have been trying so far (unsuccesfully though) I ask if I can have five minutes to introduce myself and offer what I have to help 'you' getting better coverage/plan. Most people slams the phone, saying (or screaming) we already have the coverage and are happy with it. I guess I'll learn more with time and practice.

I can almost guarantee you are not explicitly asking for the 5 minutes, even if you think you are.

"Tom, this is Redsquash calling with ABC Company, am I catching you at an okay time?"

"I'll make it quick, the reason I called is that I work with a number of small biz owners like yourself and I have a 3 o'clock appointment next door with Sally (in your building, in your area, ect). Would it be okay if I pop my head in for 5 minutes right before my 3 o'clock meeting to make a quick introduction?

The line in bold is all that matters, the rest is window dressing. Don't try selling life insurance over the phone, in my experience, it doesn't work. I get 5 minutes often times with them having no clue what type of work I do. They'll know after my 5 minute approach. If they ask me what I do, I tell them: "I'm in the life insurance business, although I do a number of other things as well. I have no reason to assume you are in the market for what I do, like I said, I simply wanted to stop in and make a quick introduction. Are you going to be around this afternoon?"
Do you ever end up with a client that you just know that you not going to close the sale on?? This may help you.

I had this client named Mike T. and I had spent about an hour on him already.

He went and got his check book and wrote me the check.

Mike you made the wisest decision today, and I thank you.

I got two more referrals from Mike and I left with his check in my pocket and one hell of a sales story to tell.

I have used this method a couple of times on clients. Most of the time it works on them.

If you know that you are not going to close the the client, you have nothing to lose by trying something different.
Excellent closing tool. Thanks for sharing Mark. This is the kind of stuff I truly appreciate. :yes: I'm going to remember that one!!
I disagree....Cut out the obit of the former prospect you shot dead and the next time you run up against a tough close pull out the obit and slide it to the prospect and just say before I shot Joe here he thought he had time before he would die....Then you just lay your handgun on the table and say the following "How about you, do you think you have time?"


Sorta like...your estate can be planned ahead of time OR at the time of your death. But either way, it's going to be today.
I get it now.