Cluster That Gives You Binding Authority...

i know Iroquois wants you to be in business for a little while.... i contacted them, and then they stopped responding to me after i told them about my book. 1 yr later the rep emails me and ask if we can talk about the markets again, but i had my direct line and mga already.

you might experience something different, but i think the best thing to do is call them up.

i find that most of how i figure i like or dislike something is by joining one group and test it out then leave because i rather have other features. then i look for other places with these feature.

That seems to describe P&C as a whole. When you need them, they don't want you. When you don't need them, they want you.

Burning bridges is never a good thing, but I would have been tempted to tell the rep to go jump in a lake.
haha, that's why i never responded to him. He emailed me 1 yr later 6 times now asking different questions and a "mistake email to another recipient with their competitive personal lines"

I wasn't angry, that he didn't give me a chance, i was just disappointed that he didn't tell me that we need these requirements and to try back. I emailed him a few weeks after he stopped communication, about am i still being considered as an applicant, no replies.

actually all the good clusters, did the same to me and i think that was really what motivated me to sell sell sell and get my own appointment. i was under the "i dont need them mentality"

i should thank them!