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Cold Calling Script Feedback

"(yes) The reason for the call today is I help out folks in (placer county) with state approved Life Insurance and what I would like to do "if it's ok?" is spend a quick 30 seconds with you so that you and I together can find out what Life Insurance Programs you may be eligible for, would that be Ok?" This is the equivalent of going up to a stranger and saying... "Hello my name Mike I have a great job do you want to get married?" I like the opening of your script Thad but here I would try and open them up by getting their interest and then create desire followed by exposing a problem. The reason for the call today is I help out folks in (placer county) with state approved Life Insurance and I have been helping some of your neighbors see how to avoid making one of the 3 major mistakes many families are grappling with that leads to... Bankruptcy, paying to much in taxes, etc, etc... (major market problem/hot button) Is (major problem) something that concerns you as well? Would it be OK if I share with you what has worked for some of them? So that we only spend time today on things that are important to you do you mind if I ask a few questions so I know where to start? I don't sell life or FE so this could definitely be better but the formula is there. ---------- Also... Definitely do not say you are good at what you do. That is a huge red flag to anyone that doesn't know you screaming STAY AWAY! This comes with the way you interact and the quality of questions you ask. ...in other words it must be demonstrated for them to come to their own conclusions.

I don't like to be argumentative.... But have you used your script with success? I ask cuz I read it and I am the typical FE / cold call client and I got lost I translation. Maybe other experts can chime in.
Keep it short and simple at first. I would go with I'm calling to see if you would be interested in learning more about the new state regulated final expense programs.

Yes close for the appt.
No ask for referrals
I personally think you are trying to gather to much info over the phone the goal for me is the appt with someone who is OK with talking about what I have to offer.

Saying your good at what you do I don't think helps I think it hurts, they don't care, in the beginning you say Life Insurance but then tell them what life insurance is for, I think saying life insurance is enough, also you need a pattern interruption or 2.

Hey Bob, this is Samantha, did I get you at a bad time?

(yes or no) I am sure my name is not familiar to you, Would it be ok if I take 15 seconds to tell you why I'm calling and then you can decide whether we continue the conversation?

(yes) The reason for the call today is I help out folks in (placer county) with state approved Life Insurance and what I would like to do "if it's ok?" is spend a quick 30 seconds with you so that you and I together can find out what Life Insurance Programs you may be eligible for, would that be Ok?

Verify First name and Last Name.

Did you want enough coverage to just cover your burial or did you want more?

Last few years anything major, Heart Attack, cancer, stroke, etc?

Verify address?

Well Bob I just noticed I am going to be in your area.....

What I would like to do is swing by for 10 minutes and go over all the pricing and details with you, would that be ok?

Verify cross street, apt numbers, gate codes etc?

Get all the objections and rebuttals in writing and use them every single time word for word. Be short, sweet and to the point.

The reason I ask permission so much is because I want to talk with people that want to talk to me, you go thru more calls but you get more quality, versus bulling them into a conversation or appt.

Hope this helps, if you focus on just Term or WL or FE, the script can be tailored better, this one is just off top of the head.

Man...I know this guy "Steve" and he uses the same script.
You're not being argumentative at all...

I don't sell FE but I have used a very similar script for med sups that has worked better than any other approach I have tested.

Kidsgotheart makes a great point. For a total novice or telemarketer I would keep it stupid simple and crank out the dials to find the ones who are low hanging fruit.

This should be your cold calling approach anyway but with more selling skills I have found you can get a higher conversion with a little more in depth approach.
Tough love, I think it's pretty brutal. The best way to figure out if it works or not would be to try it. I put a lot of stuff up on www.FreeTelemarketingScripts.com because this is a question that is a pretty hot topic.

A few thoughts in no particular order:

-Asking for people by name typically brings up more defensiveness/hostility than it does help building trust. Unless there is a very specific person your calling for, pitching whoever answers the phone is usually your best bet.
-People want to know really quick why you're calling them, your name and the company you work for rarely helps that.
-If it's a bad time, they're just blowing you off most of the time and it's not worth the time to continue to call people that are just blowing you off.

The type of pitch I've seen that works well, regardless of the line (including FE), is

There are lots of different ways to telemarket for leads/sales and there are folks on here currently doing it, but that's what I've seen work.

For what it's worth, Med supps are probably one of the easiest products in the world to cold call for.

Because it is such a relatively easy way in the door there are a lot of agents that do bigger ticket sales that just use Medicare as a way in the door.

Good stuff here. You've only got a few seconds to capture their attention, so you've got to focus on them.