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Common Telemarketing Objections for Med Supps

Let me preface that we (my wife and I) are relatively new agents so take this with a grain of salt ;-) We also have several contracts through Chris.

We have never done face to face (except for my in-laws), only phone sales.

With that said, we have had success with screen sharing as long as they have internet. It's been a slam dunk actually.

The problem we face is that we speak with a lot of folks who don't even have a computer.

I'm not sure if it's a product of them being rural or we're just not as lucky as others.

I think as more seniors get access, it will increase conversions.

We use Joinme.com. It's free and easy to use.

I've also tinkered with radiusbobs integrated share and so far so good.
This is to touch on the screen sharing part of selling med supps over the phone.

I prospect and sell supps 100% by phone and I'd say I do pretty well at it.
I never do screen share for a few reasons, I've found it wastes my time, and wastes the applicants time. I don't see the reason to spend 20 minutes or upwards of an hour getting the senior connected via screen share so I can show them the same stuff they can read in an email.

Even if most seniors could do screen share, I don't see it being a valuable necessity to my business.

Are there people doing screen share successfully at a high volume? I really don't know, but I don't see how it makes sense time wise.
Are there people doing screen share successfully at a high volume? I really don't know, but I don't see how it makes sense time wise.

It takes less than 2 minutes and builds trust and credibility as if you were in their living room showing your entire portfolio of licenses, testimonial letters, family photos, etc.

Is it necessary all the time? No. But I know for a fact my closing ratio went up tremendously, and it has brought many people to a final decision where they would otherwise "think about it", which means they don't know enough about who they're dealing with over the phone.

Can you survive selling Med Supps by phone without going the extra 2 minutes it takes for them to receive one e-mail from you to click on? Absolutely.

If someone tells me that they love the rate I'm telling them about, and totally gets the concept of switching, there is no reason to tell them all about my background, etc. If, however, I can sense in their voice that they are hesitant, I can either work hard toward solving that, or I can work smart and show them on the screen who they're dealing with.

I save people money every single day. I'm giving them money back, not selling them into something of higher expense or value. As such, the only reason they won't do business in that environment is that they don't trust you. This is, by far, the easiest way to close that trust gap.


I never do screen share .....I've found it wastes my time, and wastes the applicants time.

You never do it, but you found it wastes your time and their time.

I encourage you to try it, with a credibility presentation to show them, the next time you have someone walking away from savings you've clearly identified that they qualify for. It just might be a game changer.


With that said, we have had success with screen sharing as long as they have internet. It's been a slam dunk actually.

Yup. I've found the same.
I'm giving them money back

That's a good way to phrase it.

When you cut their premium by $600 a year it is like giving money back, putting money in their bank account they would not have otherwise.
When you cut their premium by $600 a year it is like giving money back, putting money in their bank account they would not have otherwise.

The only reason a qualified person does not change is fear and distrust. I truly believe that this is the area that most struggling agents overlook and most successful agents master.

I do not employ technology for technology's sake. I use it because I have seen it's impact on delivering high touch through high tech. It closes the gap and increases the closing percentage.

Maybe I've misunderstood what you've been saying the whole time. I was under the impression that you attempt to do a screenshare with each and every client that you're in touch with. That's the part I was calling BS on.

I can see where the screenshare might be helpful at times, just not most of the time. Will it get there one day? I bet it will! Just like FE. It's not that much of a viable thing selling FE over the phone...at the moment. Is is better today than a few years ago? You bet it is, and it will get better and better as time goes by.
I had a someone the other day that was really on the fence about switching companies. I asked if she had a computer and she did. I fired up join.me, gave her the code and showed her my license, website, and all of the quotes so she could see the different rates. She immediately said " I think I want to do this." I even had her call one of my clients in her area to solidify any other trust concerns. Took the app with Equitable and she was approved. Saved over $1000 per year. I learned this method from Chris' site, it works plain and simple. Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.