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Duck Season Opens Early


New Member
Hi all,

New to the forum, but have been in the insurance game for few years.

Reading through the posts, of course I'm going to search on the topic of my current appointment which would be Aflac.

I know, I know, I've read the posts and most aren't very pretty.

I just wanted to attach my own perspective to the experience, not meant to offend those who don't agree, not meant to draw open fire, just sharing.

I was a benefits administrator experienced with Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Disability, HSA, Section 125, 401K, and supplemental plans.
I am in no way a guru, but proud of what I know and use that knowledge to help people.

I have been an Aflac associate for 2 years.

I walked into this knowing I wouldn't be rich right away - I was told it was possible to make 6 digits in the first year. I consider myself an intelligent person, smiled kindly, and took responsibility for managing my expectations.

I received free training from Aflac and walked away with what I could use. The stuff I didn't think I could use, I left there with the free lunch.

I had an awsome RSC as far as personality, but the DSC I was assigned was an oil slick in my ocean of life and we didn't click at all. He didn't provide me with the type of plan training I needed, was VERY PUSHY, and I was ashamed to take him on calls with me. I took the responsibility to learn the plans myself, studying the free documentation ordered online from Aflac, calling the claims department and asking questions. I force myself to make the cold calls and corporate drops on my own.

I got the ugly chargebacks that everyone is referring too. How those hurt. But then, I took the responsibility for my own finances and asked about getting the money not up front. Turns out, I easily got a SIT code that allows me to be paid "as earned". By not receiving all my commisions up front, I avoid chargebacks and slowly build up an end of the month check. "as earned" also helps with those clients that I expect will not be on the books for the entire year, or high turnover employers. I too, was in arrears over $600 in the month of December 2005. My as earned commissions have me at an end of month check anywhere from $900 to $1500 and building. It does depend on whether a company pays it's bill that month.

The cost of starting with Aflac was my Life/Health training, testing, licensing, and business cards. I believe it was all just under $1200.

Yes, the computers that have the Aflac software are required to be purchased through Aflac, and yes, we could get them cheaper at Costco or Best Buy. But for anyone who has spent time in the industry of IT, knows, it's difficult to keep everyone up and running when the components don't work together. Yes, I wish I could have spent less on my computer, but hey, Aflac pays me $3 for every policy I write on the computer I got from them and everything works perfectly.

Am I forced to use the computer to sign people up? No. I have access to paper applications for every policy type and they are sent to me free of charge. Yes, I still write some apps on paper. The laptop battery doesn't last forever.

I am not required to write a specific amount of premium nor sell a certain policy type, not forced to rent office space, not made to feel guilty because I don't sit with everyone else in the room making "phone blitz" calls to poor, unsuspecting businesses.

Do they wish I would do all those things? Yes.
Do they ask me to do all those things? Yes.
Do I do all those things? NO.
Could I possibly make more money if I do all those things? HMMM don't know, haven't tried.

Do I have to pay for my ducks, Yes.

Do I get frustrated when an application pends or a claim is delayed 2 days? Yes.

I guess what I am trying to say is that while there are many frustrating things about EVERY insurance carrier whether we are captive or independent, we are all responsible for our own success. If I fail, it will be because I failed, not because the business I represent didn't train me properly, or gave me bad info, or sent me on a trip to the Caribean because I wrote so much business (I'm no where near a trip yet).

To those who have had the bad experience, I wish it could have been better, and I totally sympathize with what you are experiencing. For those who are still working through it. Maybe this forum can help us get some questions answered and know that others share your experience.

Duck season is now open......
can I have a duck.....my beagle has chewed the noise maker out of the last one.....
Thank you for that post. It is reminder that our success is up to us no matter what company we work for. And that realistic expectations are just as important as the training that a carrier gives us.
Making enough to make my house and utility payments and just bought a new car. The end of the month check is just from the stuff I write "as earned". I write a good amount during the month that I take up front.

I'm not saying I don't wish it could be more (we all want that) but if I want more, I need to do more. It's all about me, where I place the priorities of my family and of my career.