Facebook's New Timeline Changes Got You Down?

If you are involved at all with Facebook Marketing,
you know all about the impending Timeline layout.

And you probably also know that the switch to Timeline
(coming this Saturday!), has fan page owners
running for the hills.

What about you?
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Sorry, but I love FB. I got it down to only close friends and family. The old method was I'd have to email or call every member of my family when something was newsworthy. That also meant, since I have a large family, that I had to manage all those email replies.

Now it's just a status update. Before FM, my niece certainly wasn't gonna email pics of her daughter's first day at school. Now she posts 'em - FB is fantastic.
I am liking the new time line for pages......but like the old format for my personal page.....
LOL, a "marketing expert" who says that timeline is bad even though it's dramatically increased user engagement rates...

Of course he'll challenge me to source that, then when I do he'll back peddle.