FE Cash Values


Super Genius
Sorry for all of the recent posts - I am still learning the market. It seems most quoting engines are focused on annual or monthly premium. Does anyone care about cash values, RPU or extended term?
oes anyone care about cash values, RPU or extended term?

Hmm... not so sure I agree here. People often like to know that a policy is growing money. That said, its never wise to sell off that platform.

They get it to use it... not to bower off of it.

But I often will write on my talk pad the 3 things that are important in the purchase...

#1 Price NEVER goes up. (Circle the word NEVER.)

#2 It builds $ value. (Circle the $ sign.)

#3 No TAXES. (Circle and cross out the word TAXES.)

Cash value isn't something people care about as much as it is a "valued added".
Hmm... not so sure I agree here. People often like to know that a policy is growing money. That said, its never wise to sell off that platform.

They get it to use it... not to bower off of it.

But I often will write on my talk pad the 3 things that are important in the purchase...

#1 Price NEVER goes up. (Circle the word NEVER.)

#2 It builds $ value. (Circle the $ sign.)

#3 No TAXES. (Circle and cross out the word TAXES.)

Cash value isn't something people care about as much as it is a "valued added".
I think he was referring to quoter having the cash value/paid up/extended term info.
Sorry for all of the recent posts - I am still learning the market. It seems most quoting engines are focused on annual or monthly premium. Does anyone care about cash values, RPU or extended term?

Only time those factor in to be important is if you are trying to replace a policy.