Final Expense for Age 92

So you guys are telling me its normal to get a batch of leads, which cost $660 (33 each), that consists of 13 actual leads, including 3 in their 80's or higher (I always pay for the age filter) and six of them have no phone number? I'm new at this, I've been doing it for less than 2 months. Working DM is a new experience to me, I just expected to get a bit higher quality for the price. I've ordered some leads from a different source, so we'll see how that goes.

If you are two months in it's almost always you, not the leads. You are still green as a pea.

But the other thing to watch for is if you get all your leads unfiltered or if you have an up line or middle man that gets to choose the best leads for himself and dishes the worst ones to you. LH is famous for doing this. If you have an up line that sells in your area or has other agents who do, you have to always be cautious of that.

But again, when you are new you are not going to be able to recognize opportunities on appointments (or even get appointments) the way you will after several years of experience.
So you guys are telling me its normal to get a batch of leads, which cost $660 (33 each), that consists of 13 actual leads, including 3 in their 80's or higher (I always pay for the age filter) and six of them have no phone number?

I'm new at this, I've been doing it for less than 2 months. Working DM is a new experience to me, I just expected to get a bit higher quality for the price. I've ordered some leads from a different source, so we'll see how that goes.

That seems very normal to me. Except for call some actual leads. They are all leads. Even the ones with no phone number and the ones over age 80.

I've always said that filters are over rated. Other than age 50-80. But if I could filter at no cost them I might have a different opinion.

For me I want the $0 income bottom and maybe $40K for the top.

If they will put an income on the bottom at $15K at no cost to me then I might be OK with it but I still know I would be missing a lot of sales. Most of my writes make less than $15K per year.

2 months in you don't know what you don't know. This is a very hard business. The marketers want to say differently but they are FOS.

If it was as easy as the marketers claim the companies would just pay college kids an hourly rate to go around and pick up the applications and checks.