Final Expense - Titanic Thinking

LMAO, I'm glad I am not the only grammar nerd here.

Mark, keep painting the pictures, love it.

I'm trying to get some minds to working on some ideas.

Spelling is my weakness. I'm always in a hurry to do everything, and spelling just comes in last place. Unless it is something that I'm sending to a client.

I just brainstorm a lot on here.
Thanks for the post, Mark. Something else I like to mention when talking to prospects about FE is that this is the only insurance that we are guaranteed to use.

A past manager of mine would very subtly say, "My question is, who is going to pay for it when you die?" Just a little shock and awe.
This is something I am quickly coming to terms with. I am new to insurance sales, and I am working in the FE area, good analogy.
This is how you can tell that Mark is a business man and a good insurance man. My stepfather was a career insurance guy. He can barely spell and writes terribly, but because he is a true people person and an excellent service oriented person he made an awesome insurance agent. He barely graduated high school and he was making over 170K a year selling insurance in his prime, many moons ago.

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