Free Training For Noobies and Vets...

Okay...I will send you email prior to the calls.
The best way to judge it is to get on the calls and
listen. I can promise you will get something out of it.

It's your choice to use it since most agents hide in
their office and think they are actually working.
... most agents hide in
their office and think they are actually working.

They know they aren't really working they just try to convince themselves that things like posting here and doing "research" are "working".

It's a "fig newton" of their imagination. The serious ones jump in with both feet, take the bull by the horns, make mistakes and learn from them and don't make the same mistakes again. They aren't afraid the get their hands dirty.

I'm working with an agent now who is a real sweetheart, she is my kind of lady. Underneath she is a Pit Bull. She has made a couple of "mistakes" and learned from them. I would definitely not want to get on her wrong side.

This lady is going to kick ass and take names once she gets started. might want to fix your type on your signature. Just a friendly suggestion since you're recruiting.