Having Multiple FMO's


New Member
Greetings all,

I am an independent agent that works primarily in the federal market with federal employees. I currently have an FMO that provides GREAT software and is geared for the private sector (non-federal) via seminars and mailers and then I also have an FMO that provides me access to federal leads that I would not be able to obtain in any other way. Both provide excellent training as well.


I am getting pressured by both to put all my eggs in their respective baskets, but the way that I see it, so long as they are not overlapping leads/markets there should be no issue. I am contracted with multiple carriers through each of them (but again no overlap amongst the carrier contracts that I currently have with each FMO- at least not yet). I want to be able to continue working both of these completely independent lead sources and really think that I can produce enough to keep each FMO independently happy. Is that all that matters? End of year production?

Is this common in the industry to have multiple marketing offices (whether FMO or IMO makes no difference for the purpose of establishing the ethical standard)? Is it frowned upon or discouraged? Is it considered "playing" the FMOs? I was given the analogy that it is like trying to date two women at the same time and that it would be ugly when they both found out, but I see it differently. I see the ability to be a good producer with both, rather than great producer with just one or the other (which from the FMOs perspective I would think that having a good producer is better than nothing!).

I see the ability to have a great individual year while still learning from as many mentors as I can. I would still plan on producing enough to keep both FMOs happy but I really do not want to burn bridges if it is considered deceptive or manipulative!

I also do no know which I would choose if I was forced to select only one because they are very different in who they target and how they go about helping the selected markets, each approach with its own merits benefits and drawbacks.
