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Hello Everyone!


New Member
Hello everyone!

First of all, I want to say that I am very motivated/excited! I just passed my life/health state of MI exam :)

The problem is, I am unsure where to go from here. I do not think that I have enough start up money...or experience, of course..to go independent.

I am going to have to keep my part time job for as long as I can, until I can make some income. I expect that will take awhile :)

My question is, how should I get started?
Should I try and get a job with an insurance co? If so, who are the good ones? lol
I would like something preferably where I can work from home ( night and day if I have to) to have some flexibility.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to be successful at this! Any suggestions/tips would be very helpful. Thanks!!

Nice to "meet" all of you.

Ok, brutal honesty is the best road here. You're lacking in capital - fine. However you're looking for an agency who's going to take you on, let you work from home so you can be flexible?

If you're going to work for an agency what do YOU have to bring to the table. If you're going to go indie that's full time off the bat with at least 2 months of bills in the bank. If not, you can start indie - cold call like a mad man and it'll still be 6 weeks before you see a check...maybe.

From what I've read your best course of action is continue to work until you have a financial cushion.
Lol - I used to hire people on salary when I was a regional manager. I use to LOVE these priceless conversations:

Me: Well, you're hired! You're in tomorrow at 9am."

Rep: Oh...tomorrow at 9am huh?
Well, I'm not pickin on Rose. I hope she doesn't take it personally.

I have interviewed and talked to literally jillions of people thinking of getting into this business. I've always made it a habit to ask them why they'd like to be in the insurance business.

An inordinate number of women (sorry gals, not pickin' on ya, it's just the way the numbers broke) say they like the "flexibility".

Here's the problem: it takes many moons and suns before you can earn the flexibility that is craved. If I don't work for the next week, it's not going to have a material effect on my income. For new agents though, that kind of thing can be lethal.
Also not at all directed at Rose but far FAR too many agents coming into this business without the slightest chance at success.

The reason for them entering the field is to work less when actually they will work harder than they've ever worked.

In fact, if you don't deem yourself a "work-a-holic" I recommend riding a desk.
Wow, friendly forum;)
I have worked hard all my life ( even though I am a women) and I plan to do so for as long as I can. I like to work!
I don't expect to make money from the start. I'm not an ***. I have done Lots and Lots of research on the insurance business and I know what I am in for.

I don't do laundry or watch Oprah so that's not a problem.;)

Thanks for not helping me.
I'll go elsewhere.
No need to waste my time or yours.
Wow, friendly forum;)
I have worked hard all my life ( even though I am a women) and I plan to do so for as long as I can. I like to work!
I don't expect to make money from the start. I'm not an ***. I have done Lots and Lots of research on the insurance business and I know what I am in for.

I don't do laundry or watch Oprah so that's not a problem.;)

Thanks for not helping me.
I'll go elsewhere.
No need to waste my time or yours.

I will help you. Call me at 877-968-5757 and I will go over some options with you. I think it is hard to get started in this business if someone don't show you the way and help you. You have to be willing to work your butt off and read a lot of stuff.
Wow, friendly forum;)
I have worked hard all my life ( even though I am a women) and I plan to do so for as long as I can. I like to work!
I don't expect to make money from the start. I'm not an ***. I have done Lots and Lots of research on the insurance business and I know what I am in for.

I don't do laundry or watch Oprah so that's not a problem.;)

Thanks for not helping me.
I'll go elsewhere.
No need to waste my time or yours.


You are going to have to have thicker skin that this, if you plan on making in the ins biz. Lots of rejection involved in selling anything, and maybe more in ins.

The "boyz" were just pointing out what most ppl do... find alternative activities while at home, rather than delve into ins activity, which leads to their demise. Nothing personal, but it is a fact and happens all too often.

You would be better served to step over comments that don't suit ya, and dwell on ones that are helpful. Of course this applies whether we are talking ins sales or life in general... You will find not better place than this to obtain good, objective info... even if you don't particularly like what is said.

Take Mark up on his offer; call him, he can help point you in the right direction. He has lots to offer.

Good luck on your decision...