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Here It Comes: Governement Health Plan

So yes, we have our political and economic problems... which will get solved. But What we don't have here are the Winters and the Freddies and the Mr. Bills and all the rest of you who are content to live you life in the mediocrity of your old, tired, and worn out aphorisms. And that's fine for you. You don't know any better. But believe me, your kids want to live HERE... because they can breathe free.

Yes. Of course you are right. I am naive and uneducated to think that there would be any Ronald Reagan type supporters in California. Reagan was the Governor of Alabama in 1958 wasn't he?

In regard to no one moving to California and then ever wanting to leave, that may be true for the Mexicans. Otherwise you are not correct unless Nevada is now part of California. You are a little behind the times there Nickel Bag.

In any case, as stated, eveyone wishes California the best. Just lay off the dope and pay your bills and dont come to the rest of country for a bailout. If you can live the good life and the chickens never come home to roost as your buddy the Rev Wright would say, then fine. Go for it. However, you might want to take a look out on your front lawn. As a city slicker you may not be able to tell that those are chickens not robins.

Have a nice day Mahn!
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As a city slicker you may not be able to tell that those are chickens not robins.

Robins and chickens? Maybe not. However when it comes to what you post here on this forum, to quote LBJ "I may not know much, but I know chicken s--t from chicken salad.”
Government health care ! They have been running the VA for how many years and still can't get it right. Check the condition and patient care at any military hospital, like Walter Reed a year ago. That's what you'll get with Government run health care.
Government health care ! They have been running the VA for how many years and still can't get it right. Check the condition and patient care at any military hospital, like Walter Reed a year ago. That's what you'll get with Government run health care.

All the right-wingers are using "government-run health care" as their stalking horse scare-tactic. What we're talking about is government-run financing of the health care system.

I don't know about VA, but I don't know of one 65+ person who is willing to give up their Medicare or MA Advantage plan in order to get IFP... because they can't afford it.

When you hear the government-run healthcare scare mongers on this board what you are hearing are health agents (greedy or not) who are willing to keep a system that 45% of the people can't get so that they can make their 6-figure incomes. Here is the math:

Conservatism x (Harry + Louise) = Greed

Even a junior college grad can understand that, right Winter?

Once the government steps in a controls healthcare, we lose our choice. We lose our freedom.

Most of the uninsured choose to go without. Sure we need to find more affordable insurance but insurance is not the issue, it's the cost of healthcare.

Even a high school dropout would understand this. Even when stoned.

Socialism works until you run out of other people's money to spend.

I've never met anyone who came to CA who wanted to go BACK to Texas or South Carolina or Indiana. People who LIKE Texas STAY in Texas.

that's because Texans do not move to calli.....why...because we do not have a personal income tax in this state......
All the right-wingers are using "government-run health care" as their stalking horse scare-tactic. What we're talking about is government-run financing of the health care system.

I don't know about VA, but I don't know of one 65+ person who is willing to give up their Medicare or MA Advantage plan in order to get IFP... because they can't afford it.

When you hear the government-run healthcare scare mongers on this board what you are hearing are health agents (greedy or not) who are willing to keep a system that 45% of the people can't get so that they can make their 6-figure incomes. Here is the math:

Conservatism x (Harry + Louise) = Greed

Even a junior college grad can understand that, right Winter?


In case you missed my earlier post in this thread, both republicans and democrats in California voted for SB 2 (which did become law, briefly) and AB-X. Both would have provided universal health coverage in California.

If it's all the republicans, the how come it was Sheila Kuehl and her gang who killed AB-X, and got SB 2 on the referendum and overturned?

In case you forgot, Sheila Kuehl is a liberal DEMOCRAT and she was a major player in killing universal in California. She is on record as not wanting "government run financed", she wants single payor government run health care.
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I don't know about VA, but I don't know of one 65+ person who is willing to give up their Medicare or MA Advantage plan in order to get IFP... because they can't afford it.

I don't believe that any companies will issue IFP on a 65+ Medicare beneficiary....

Despite your obvious superiority to the rest of us, you may want to check your facts.
that's because Texans do not move to calli.....why...because we do not have a personal income tax in this state......

True. But we do have VERY HIGH property tax (Houston in particular) as a way to fund our PUBLIC, non religious schools, where illegals can attend for FREE.

When you have $500k houses paying $18,000 to $20,000 year to live in YOUR OWN home something is VERY VERY wrong.
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that's because Texans do not move to calli.....why...because we do not have a personal income tax in this state......

True. But we do have VERY HIGH property tax (Houston in particular) as a way to fund our PUBLIC, non religious schools, where illegals can attend for FREE.

When you have $500k houses paying $18,000 to $20,000 year to live in YOUR OWN home something is VERY VERY wrong.
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She also played a significant part in getting Gray Davis thrown out of office.

I would disagree with that 100%. Davis was thrown out of office for the power brown-outs and for his mismanagement of the public treasury. The Reps had a strong candidate and figured they could pull off a recall. No one thought they could, but then again no one figured on Davis being as stupid as he was, aided by Cruz Bustamonte (the Lt. Gov.) who had a funding scandal of his own.

As for Sheila, I had met her a number of times (She will always be Zelda to me... you can look that reference if you wish.) I liked Sheila. She was a kind of a whack-job, but she was not nasty like the Limbaugh wing of the Reps.

In case you forgot, Sheila Kuehl is a liberal DEMOCRAT and she was a major player in killing universal in California. She is on record as not wanting "government run financed", she wants single payor government run health care.

She was very much on record for a single payor system. And what is wrong with her wanting that? It is no worse than you being on record for NOT wanting it. She is hardly the only one.

Her hatred of the insurance carriers was only rivaled by that of the electorate at large. Of course you remember this was going down when so many of the carriers were doing large case rescissions. Even when the carriers were right, they lost all credibility... rescinding the coverage of a woman on chemo... yeah that was great PR for them.

I think that the reason intelligent people did not accept single payor was that it was fiscally impossible for the state... ANY state. It can ONLY be done at the federal level where the money can be printed and 100% triple-A prime bonds can be sold, instead of the state "junk" variety (especially CAs.)

Single payor is bankrupting Mass from what I hear. It is not sustainable on the state level.

What I'm seeing is all you conservatives saying is "This won't work and that won't work, so let's just punt and keep the current system until we figure out something that WILL work" which is another way of you doing what you can to keep your place in the system, and continue to receive the income it provides.

You may be fooling yourselves, but you are not fooling most others. No one loves you, no one loves your carriers, no one loves your system... except you.

People have such disdain for all that you health agents hold sacred that they are willing to try anything... even if it fails, to get out from the high costs and non-availability of IFP.

And you guys are so stupid. You are under the illusion (delusion) that the carriers really "love" you... and that their bought-and-paid-for NAHU and state HUs and the local HUs are looking after your ass. What a crock.

When the going gets tough around the Senate conference table, the carriers will take a mandate, will accept the government as a competitor and will accept a finance system that allows for zero commissions... or maybe 5%. They will do what is in their best interest to stay in biz... not what is in your best interest. I don't care how much Winter and Freddie and all the other right-wing whack-jobs on this board tell you "Don't worry, the carriers will never allow [fill in the blank]," the truth is that the only ones stupider than you... is them!

Guys like them said we'd never get to the moon. They said Medicare would destroy the doctor-patient relationship. They said food stamps would triple the price of food. They said letting blacks vote would create unworkable governments. They said there were WMDs. They said "read my lips, no new taxes." They said "Mission Accomplished."

Guys, do yourself a favor and try to learn how to think for yourself and not take what you get from Winter and Bill and Freddy and Paradigm and Rob as gospel. They really want you to believe them and to follow them. I on the other hand don't give a s--t what any of you do... I have no vested interest here. I'm not marketing associations, leads, training courses, GA/IMO services, mailing lists, or general business services to you... and I don't post under a veil of secrecy.

Wellpoint, Aetna, Humana, UHC, and the Blues will throw you guys under the bus in a Hollywood minute. When it happens don't say you weren't told.
