Hi Folks

Mark, did I detect a hint of sarcasm in your post? You're really creating a hostile environment for prospective members of our forum. We need to be welcoming to new members with as little sarcasm and cape-twirling as possible. Also, please don't flip your hair, it's very intimidating.

Ahh. You're worried about me hurting peoples feelings?

Concerned about my cape twirling?

Well, yo mamma likes my "cape twirling" How do you like that? BOOM!

Ahh. You're worried about me hurting peoples feelings?

Concerned about my cape twirling?

Well, yo mamma likes my "cape twirling" How do you like that? BOOM!

I thought your cape twirling was cool, but clearly, it scared even Batman away. I hope you're happy with yourself
Just observing from a distance how the natives engage for now.

We spend about 75% of the time goofing off, making fun of each other (and ourselves) and debating politics.

The remaining 25% of the time is some pretty serious insurance talk with valuable insight usually involving a number of experienced veterans.

This thread clearly represents the 75%.
Just observing from a distance how the natives engage for now.

I would highly recommend reading anything I write with an extreme sense of sarcasm and parody. It's become so confounding at this point, that I feel like I may actually need to come up with some sort of tip-off when I'm actually being serious. I suppose that would work, or you could take everything I say with 25% seriousness for good measure.

with valuable insight usually involving a number of experienced veterans.

I've somehow convinced these people that I'm actually an insurance agent, lolz. Okay, that's the joker in me. I don't know how you could survive in insurance without a sense of humor coupled with extreme sarcasm.
I would highly recommend reading anything I write with an extreme sense of sarcasm and parody. It's become so confounding at this point, that I feel like I may actually need to come up with some sort of tip-off when I'm actually being serious. I suppose that would work, or you could take everything I say with 25% seriousness for good measure.

I've somehow convinced these people that I'm actually an insurance agent, lolz. Okay, that's the joker in me. I don't know how you could survive in insurance without a sense of humor coupled with extreme sarcasm.

Yeah, you gotta be a little off to make it in this business.