Hometown Quotes...what Would You Do???

So if a lead company charges 7.50 for a shared lead, but in order to get credit for uninsurables, you need to pay an additional $2.50 of filter charge. Would you be better off....

1. Paying $7.50 and getting all leads including uninsurables?


2. Paying $10 and not getting uninsurables and if you do, you can get the credit?

In Michigan, you can write uninsurables with BC/BS for 8% commission. Six Month pre-x. Not many ever do though.

BTW- Looking at the posts above this, I don't know that I am happy or sad that my firewall blocks out Sti's picture.
$10 with returns.

As far as I am concerned they reached in my pocket stole my money , gave me 100% junk leads, locked out my account.

They never corrected the situation and also lied to my credit card company , I am seldom hard on lead companies - I have to stand my ground on these guys.