How is Your Corporation Doing?


New Member
Many years ago Earl Nightingale produced what I believe is still the best self-development program in the world "Lead the Field" in it he discussed 12 basic principles that are the foundation for reaching the top 5% of all successful people. Below is an excerpt that I believe will give you a renewed perspective on YOU, Inc. and how it can change the course of your production and revenue development:

"Now, while the operations of a corporation are multitudinous and complex, they can be reduced to 4 basic functions: Finances, Production, sales and research. Without proper financing, there would be no production. Without production, the company would have nothing to sell. Without sales, it would have to completely stop production. Without research, it could not hope to keep abreast, or ahead, of our rapidly changing times. Slight any one of these four vital functions, and you have a deformed--a crippled ---company. If you slight it long enough you will commit corporate suicide......

So, I ask you how do you score in the 4 vital areas and how could you stand to improve upon them?