What would you say the average age of retirement is from your experience?


For those who end up working past 65, what would you say the majority age is of those who finally retire?
For those working past 65 . . . 68 to 70 . . . some sooner, some later.

FWIW many of those working past 65 have a younger spouse. Talked to one last week, spouse is 52 plus she/they have kids in HS and/or colleger.

He plans on staying on his wife's plan until she retires. I mentioned he will be 78 when she retires. His response . . . oh, well, I didn't think of that . . .

I guess he could run for prez . . . they get good benefits for life.
For those working past 65 . . . 68 to 70 . . . some sooner, some later.

FWIW many of those working past 65 have a younger spouse. Talked to one last week, spouse is 52 plus she/they have kids in HS and/or colleger.

He plans on staying on his wife's plan until she retires. I mentioned he will be 78 when she retires. His response . . . oh, well, I didn't think of that . . .

I guess he could run for prez . . . they get good benefits for life.

That’s like this couple I met the other week. Dude is 82 and still working…AT A STEEL MILL. He didnt want to retire due to health insurance, plus “it keeps him on his game”. His wife is 70.

Im like dude…we are signing you up for medicare right now and you're retiring as soon as we have you covered.
Keep in mind,

SS FRA is no longer 65 for many retirees.


While I am not sure of this, it seems to me like recommendations to work until 70 to maximize SS may be more common today than they were just a few years ago.

Just personal opinion here: I see it as challenging for many of those earning a living with their back to work beyond 62-65. I think many white collar workers probably have an easier time of it, at least physically, to work longer-to age 67 or beyond.
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I was surprised to learn that (depending on which survey) the average retirement age was 61 or 62.

With all the hype about working longer to maximize social security benefits I would have thought the average age would be higher.

I retired at 60. Does that make me below average? :rolleyes:
My experience is since Obamacare became a thing people are retiring earlier then ever. They figure out they can hoard cash and quit and take very little out of retirement and get cheap to free health insurance. I have farmers with millions of dollars of land getting very reasonable insurance. I have steel mill workers with 3 million in their 401k getting free health insurance. Times have changed.