How Soon After Somebody Dies Would You Approach the Loved One?

Just want to throw it out there: I wasn't planning to wait four days. I just wasn't sure how long I should wait. It's a very sensitive issue. The reason I asked was that at the end of it all thy setup a charity site for her and her bf to raise 1,500.00 for her grieving, time off from work and some money to cremate her baby. I started thinking: oh so they want to create a life insurance after the fact and what better way to protect them if she gets pregnant again?!! Except it won't be for 1500.00 it'll be for more.

Not sure I follow you on the remark, "What if she gets pregnant again?" .. If you are implying the same thing might happen again, there is no policy that is going to pay for the death of a child inside the womb. In fact, most child term riders will not cover a child until he or she is 15 days old..
Just want to throw it out there: I wasn't planning to wait four days. I just wasn't sure how long I should wait. It's a very sensitive issue. The reason I asked was that at the end of it all thy setup a charity site for her and her bf to raise 1,500.00 for her grieving, time off from work and some money to cremate her baby. I started thinking: oh so they want to create a life insurance after the fact and what better way to protect them if she gets pregnant again?!! Except it won't be for 1500.00 it'll be for more.

BTW I still felt a bit weird asking this but I mean 1500 is nothing for her grieving, time off from work or even cremating the baby! They could've gotten so much more and completely could have had all that money they both lost from taking off from work back and more.

It's incredible but coming into this field I thought "why would anybody want life insurance?!" Then I thought about my mom and I struggling after my dad died and then a friend who died of an overdose and now this.


Thank you, Lorraine. I appreciate that. Also, thanks for everyone's opinions as well.


They know I work in the financial field but they don't know I do life insurance. I'm not even certain they even know what life insurance is to be honest. I'm friends with her best friend and her best friend is having a birthday party in the next two weeks. If they I ask I'll tell them what I do to simply passively implant the seed of knowledge.

You need to just walk away from this.

It sounds like you believe a life insurance policy would have helped them somehow. If so, you really should not talk to them about life insurance.

If it is truly about helping them write a check to the fund or go do something helpful for them. Otherwise, leave them alone.

Just my two cents.
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You pansies take the Primerica approach and stand up at the funeral and give your pitch to everyone in attendance...Make sure to berate the grieving parents for not planning ahead as they could be on easy street now.

For clarification the above was tongue in cheek except for the part that a Primerica agent did something similiar in real life.
Not sure I follow you on the remark, "What if she gets pregnant again?" .. If you are implying the same thing might happen again, there is no policy that is going to pay for the death of a child inside the womb. In fact, most child term riders will not cover a child until he or she is 15 days old..

Louis is correct. There would be no coverage. To talk about the possibility of this happening again to her is to take your life in your own hands. It would be too stupid.
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My $ wife miscarried 6 years ago..if someone outside of my wife ever brought it up I'd probably be in jail for manslaughter. Stay as far away from this as possible.
My $ wife miscarried 6 years ago..if someone outside of my wife ever brought it up I'd probably be in jail for manslaughter. Stay as far away from this as possible.

I agree. Someone would have to be a real sleazeball to try to make money off someone's grief...especially after the loss of a child!
My $ wife miscarried 6 years ago..if someone outside of my wife ever brought it up I'd probably be in jail for manslaughter. Stay as far away from this as possible.

My understanding is that the pain of miscarriages is compounded by the fact that there is not the public opportunity to greave and receive the support of others which is normally when death occurs. Life for everyone else goes on unabated and the couple is left to greave mostly alone.
Fairly true...but really you just want to be left alone...ours was right at 14 weeks(literally told both sides of the family the weekend before)...I couldnt imagine the trauma of a 3rd trimester miscarriage. We now have 2 beautiful boys, but both of those pregancies were touch and go.

To the OP, there really is no amount of time that will pass that will make it ok to broach the subject. If and I mean IF they approach you about insurance fine, but what type of life insurance will pay for a miscarriage???
Honestly, I don't know how you can see this as a selling opportunity? You'll look like an ass, everybody they know will think you're an ass and you kill more business than you'd might make.

From a cold hearted business side of things. If they have to take up a collection to meet the $1500 medical cost, where would premium money come from? These are not prospects for financial and emotional reasons.
Honestly, I don't know how you can see this as a selling opportunity? You'll look like an ass, everybody they know will think you're an ass and you kill more business than you'd might make.

From a cold hearted business side of things. If they have to take up a collection to meet the $1500 medical cost, where would premium money come from? These are not prospects for financial and emotional reasons.

This post nails it for me!