I am in a bit of a pickle.....can anyone offer me some help/advice to get back on the horse?

Hi everyone! I am a new agent as of March. There are some things that I have learned that I wish someone had told me before getting my license. For Instance, the high cost of leads. Secondly, the demands of uplines that expect you to be balls-to-the-wall booked appointments right out of training. I told my upline recently that I will have to start out part-time because I did not have the $ for the amount of leads they wanted me to purchase. I am already contracted with 4 carriers, licensed in Texas and nine other states. I have spent over 1400.00 between licenses(not including my training and TX license fees), leads, marketing etc. I came to a point where I was getting thin on $. The good news is I put my first app in last week and I am about to be paid on that by Forester's the bad news is my upline cut me loose because I am not as much of a go-getter as they expected. I was just trying to get my ducks-in-a-row and as of today I found a great lead source and then they dropped this ugly news on my head. The Corp big wig up there with this agency said that "they are not providing carrier releases at this time. You are free to work with marketers, but you will need to follow carrier guidelines for transfer without release." I do not know what he means exactly. I have my eye on a couple of IMOs I am interested in but does this mean that I have to re-contract with these carriers? Can anyone help? Signed, Frustrated in Texas
You said you already have your eyes on a couple of IMOs. I would just contact them. Let them walk you through the process. Equis will tie up your few companies for 6-months but that’s no huge deal. You have plenty of other companies to sell and 6-months isn’t very long.